Marvel Girl (Marvel Legends, Queen Brood Series)

No one ever said it was easy being a Summers. Rachel was born into a world on the brink of destruction, orphaned as an infant, and raised in a prison camp for people like herself. Despite it all, she spent a lifetime developing her psychic powers in secret, becoming so adept she was able to project her consciousness, and that of others, through time. Unable to use her powers to save her own world, she became determined to use them to the benefit of others. She has traveled from one end of time to the other, met death and dissolution along the way, and returned always fighting for freedom.
Add this articulated action figure to your collection. Ready for action, this Marvel Girl figure is highly detailed and one of eight in the Brood Queen Series. Collect all eight figures (each sold separately) to build your own Brood Queen figure! 5" tall.
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