STAR WARS (Expanded Universe) action figures

Named “Ghost Hand” by the Nelvaanians, Anakin’s weapon of choice is a lightsaber. This awesome action figure comes with a lightsaber and an exclusive collector coin! 3.75" scale.


Bring this awesome figure to a collection near you! The detailed figure comes with a weapon and an exclusive collector coin!

Darth Malak action figure comes with a lightsaber and an exclusive collector coin! 3.75" scale.

This 3.75" scale Dark Lord of the Sith action figure makes an excellent addition to your Star Wars collection! Darth Revan figure comes with a lightsaber and an exclusive collector coin!

3.75" scale.



Removable bone mask reveals the savage warlord figure underneath! This cool action figure comes with two weapons and an exclusive collector coin! 3.75" scale.

Add this awesome Jedi Master action figure to your collection! 3.75" tall figure comes with a lightsaber and an exclusive collector coin!

Based on the character depicted as the Jedi Master in the Expanded Universe series, this articulated action figure has detailed styling and comes with a weapon and an exclusive collector coin! 3.75" scale.

This awesome Jedi Master action figure comes with a Kybuck figure, a lightsaber and an exclusive collector coin!