STAR WARS (Power Of The Force '95-'99) action figures
4" red, green, and freeze frame carded action figures.
AT-AT Driver (freeze frame)
$14.99 $24.99
Drivers of the dreaded AT-AT walkers, specially trained "ground pilots," played a vital role during the Empire's assault on Hoth. 3.75" scale.

Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (long lightsaber)
$19.99 $49.99
3.75" tall, with Lightsaber and Removable Cloak!

Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (short lightsaber)
$9.99 $24.99
With Lightsaber and Removable Cloak! 3.75" scale.
Bespin Han Solo (freeze frame)
$11.99 $24.99
With Heavy Assault Rifle and Blaster Pistol. 3.75" scale.

Bespin Han Solo (green card)
$14.99 $24.99
Includes heavy assault rifle and blaster. 3.75" scale.
Bespin Luke Skywalker (freeze frame)
$11.99 $24.99
Sensing his friends are in critical danger, Luke Skywalker ventures to Cloud City before finishing his Jedi training. Unbeknownst to him, Darth Vader has prepared an elaborate trap with the darkest of intentions.
3.75" scale.
Biggs Darklighter (freeze frame)
$14.99 $24.99
Luke's childhood friend pilots an X-wing in the Death Star assault. 3.75" tall.
Boba Fett (1/2 half circles on hands chase variant)
3.75" tall figure has 1/2 circle on hands.
Captain Piett (freeze frame)
Following Admiral Ozzel's fatal mistake during the assault on Hoth, Darth Vader promoted Captain Piett to the station of Admiral. Piett remained in command of Vader's Executor until its destruction during the Battle of Endor. Includes Blaster Rifle and Pistol!
Chewbacca as Boushh's Bounty (freeze frame)
$9.99 $24.99
Chewbacca posing as Boushh's bounty in Jabba's palace.

Crowd Control Stormtrooper
3.75" tall with flight-action thruster pack and capture claw.

Darth Vader (orange card, long lightsaber)
3.75" tall with Lightsaber and Removable Cape.
Darth Vader (Transition Tray, short saber, long tray)
3.75" tall Darth Vader includes a Short Lightsaber in a Long Lightsaber Tray and Removable Cape!
Endor Rebel Soldier (freeze frame)
The Rebel strike team, on a mission to sabotage the second Death Star's shield generator, falls into a trap set by the evil Emperor Palpatine. Surrounded by a full legion of stormtroopers and Imperial soldiers, the Rebel commandos are temporarily unable to sut down the battle station's shield.
EV-9D9 (freeze frame)
EV-9D9 is ideally suited to its job as cyborg taskmaster in Jabba the Hutt's palace. It was one of many droids in service to the crime lord.
Grand Moff Tarkin (freeze frame)
As one of Emperor Palpatine's most loyal administrators, Grand Moff Tarkin devised and administered the construction of the first Death Star battle station. The governor ruled a large section of the Outer Rim Territories, including Tatooine, with an iron fist of terror and brutality.
Grand Moff Tarkin (green card, Collection 2)
3.75" tall figure with Imperial issue blaster rifle and pistol.
Grand Moff Tarkin (green card, Collection 3)
$9.99 $24.99
3.75" tall figure with Imperial Issue Blaster Rifle and Pistol.
Han Solo in Carbonite
The carbon freezing process was used to store and preserve Tibanna gas extracted by Cloud City from Bespin's atmosphere. The gas was mixed with molten carbon and flash-frozen for transport to far-off trading centers. Solo's experience proved that a human can be successfully frozen in carbonite, remaining alive but "suspended" in time. Upon release from this deep-freeze, a human would experience extreme weakness and temporary loss of sight.
Han Solo in Endor Gear (Freeze Frame)
$9.99 $24.99
3.75" tall with Blaster Pistol and "Marie" misspelling.
Han Solo in Endor Gear (green card, blue pants)
$14.99 $24.99
With blaster pistol. 3.75" scale.
Han Solo in Endor Gear (green card, brown pants)
$14.99 $24.99
3.75" scale, with Blaster Pistol.
Hoth Rebel Soldier (freeze frame)
$11.99 $24.99
3.75" tall, with Survival Backpack and Blaster Rifle.
Hoth Rebel Soldier (green card)
$11.99 $24.99
3.75" tall figure with Survival Backpack and Blaster Rifle.
Lak Sivrak (freeze frame)
The Shistavanen Wolfman, expert hunter, tracker and Imperial world scout meets the mysterious Rebel Florn lamproid, Dice Ibegon. The two would become Rebel warriors and fight in the Battle of Hoth.
Lando Calrissian in General's Gear (freeze frame)
Proving his impressive flying capabilities and natural leadership qualities during the battle of Taanab, Lando is appointed General in charge of the attack on the second Death Star.
Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight, tan vest)
3.75" tall, with lightsaber and removable cloak.
Luke Skywalker (long lightsaber)
3.75" tall, with Grappling-Hook Blaster and Lightsaber!
Luke Skywalker in Ceremonial Outfit (freeze frame)
In the main throne room of Massassi temple, Luke Skywalker receives an honorary medal for his part in the destruction of the Imperial Death Star.
Luke Skywalker in Ceremonial Outfit (green card)
In the main throne room of Massassi temple, Luke Skywalker receives an honorary medal for his part in the destruction of the Imperial Death Star.
Luke Skywalker in Dagobah Fatigues (long saber)
$19.99 $29.99
3.75" scale, with Lightsaber and Blaster Pistol!
Luke Skywalker in Dagobah Fatigues (short lightsaber)
$11.99 $24.99
Luke and his trusty droid R2-D2 went to the dense swamp planet of Dagobah, where Luke met Yoda, a small, mysterious, green creature. Luke began his Jedi training almost immediately, learning discipline from Yoda while performing rigorous physical and psychological exercises. He confronted the evil possibilities that lay within the dark side of the Force, and later learned to use the Force to move objects and see into the future. It was then that Luke was jarred by visions of Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa in great danger. 3.75" tall.

Luke Skywalker in Hoth Gear (green card)
$9.99 $24.99
3.75" tall, with Blaster Pistol and Lightsaber.
Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Disguise (freeze frame)
With Imperial Blaster and "Marie" mispelling.
Luke Skywalker in X-wing Fighter Pilot Gear (Short Saber)
With lightsaber and blaster pistol.

Mon Mothma (Freeze Frame)
The senior senator of the Old Republic went underground to form the Rebel Alliance following the rise of the evil Empire. She was instrumental in the Rebels' struggle for freedom.
Includes baton.

Ponda Baba (Collection 3, gray, grey beard)
Super rare grey gray bearded variant includes blaster pistol and rifle. 3.75" tall.

Princess Leia Organa (orange card)
While being held on the Death Star, Leia was tortured by Vader yet refused to yield any REbel secrets. She was then forced to watch the destruction of her homeworld Alderaan by the ruthless Grand Moff Tarkin. After a daring rescue by Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, she helped lead the Rebel forces on Yavin to victory by destroying the menacing Battle Station.
3.75" tall with "Laser" Pistol and Assault Rifle.
Princess Leia Organa as Jabba's Prisoner (freeze frame)
Leia is taken captive by the crime lord Jabba the Hutt.

Princess Leia Organa as Jabba's Prisoner (green card)
$9.99 $24.99
Includes chained collar.
Princess Leia Organa in Ewok Celebration Outfit (freeze frame)
An accident during a furious speeder bike chase leaves the princess without a way of finding her rebel companions. Befriended by Endor's Ewok civilization, Leia is once again united with her friends, but under very different circumstances.
Princess Leia with All New Likeness (freeze frame)
3.75" tall figure with Blaster Rifle and Long-Barreled Pistol.
R2-D2 (orange card)
$14.99 $29.99
3.75" scale with Light-Pipe Eye Port and Retractable Leg!
R2-D2 with New Features (freeze frame)
With Spring-Loaded Pop-Up Scanner, Remote-Action Retractable Scomp Link, Grasper Arm and Circular Saw.
R5-D4 (green card, straight latch)
$19.99 $24.99
With Concealed Missile Launcher. 3.75" scale.
Saelt-Marae (Yak Face, Freeze Frame)
$9.99 $24.99
One of Jabba the Hutt's top agents, very little is known about the mysterious Saelt-Marae or his specific connection to the crime lord. He could often be found hanging out in Jabba's desert palace.
3.75" scale, includes battle staff.
Stormtrooper (green card)
$24.99 $29.99
With Blaster Rifle and Heavy Infantry Cannon!
3.75" tall.
Stormtrooper (orange red card)
With Blaster Rifle and Heavy Infantry Cannon!
3.75" tall.
TIE Fighter Pilot (freeze frame)
Defending the Imperial Death Star, a lone TIE fighter flies in tandem with Darth Vader's custom fighter. Both are closing in on Skywalker speeding through the Death Star trench during the Battle of Yavin.
3.75" tall.
TIE Fighter Pilot (green card)
TIE fighter pilots are often brash and cocky, believing they hold tremendous power in their hands each time they take control of their craft. Taught to be the best, many believe they are the best. That overconfidence has ended more than a few careers, as Rebel pilots have proven them wrong in battles above the Death Star battle station and elsewhere. Despite their elite ranking within the Navy, TIE fighter pilots are seen as a replaceable resource by the Empire. Their ships are not equipped with ejection systems, nor much life-support equipment. As with all servants of the empire, fighter squads are trained to willingly offer their lives in support of Emperor Palpatine's commands and decrees.
3.75" tall.
Tusken Raider (green card, closed hand)
$19.99 $34.99
3.75" tall figure with Gaderffii stick.
Weequay Skiff Guard (green card, Collection 2)
With Force Pike and Blaster Rifle!

Weequay Skiff Guard (green card, Collection 3)
$14.99 $24.99
With force pike and blaster rifle.
Wuher (CommTech)
The surly human Wuher saw a lot of action while working at the seedy Mos Eisley cantina. His policy not to allow droids in the establishment was facilitated by a droid detector unit. Upon entering the cantina with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, R2-D2 and C-3PO were promptly ousted.
Yoda (green card)
When Yoda was over 900 years old, and walking with the aid of a gimer stick, he met a student of Kenobi's. Yoda knew that the young Luke Skywalker was one of the last hopes of the Jedi, so he began to train the brash youth in the ways of the light side of the Force. Yoda knew the dark secrets that lay hidden in Luke's past, and that the boy might turn to the dark side if not properly trained. When Luke called his training short to rescue his friends on Bespin, Yoda knew that the boy was rushing to face an uncertain future. Luke later returned to Dagobah to complete his training, but Yoda's time in the physical realm was at an end. The Jedi Master's last student proved adept at his lessons though, and used his training to help bring down the evil Empire. After the Alliance's victory, Yoda appeared once more to Luke. Yoda had become one with the Force, while Luke was now and forever, a Jedi.

Yoda (orange card)
When Yoda was over 900 years old, and walking with the aid of a gimer stick, he met a student of Kenobi's. Yoda knew that the young Luke Skywalker was one of the last hopes of the Jedi, so he began to train the brash youth in the ways of the light side of the Force. Yoda knew the dark secrets that lay hidden in Luke's past, and that the boy might turn to the dark side if not properly trained. When Luke called his training short to rescue his friends on Bespin, Yoda knew that the boy was rushing to face an uncertain future. Luke later returned to Dagobah to complete his training, but Yoda's time in the physical realm was at an end. The Jedi Master's last student proved adept at his lessons though, and used his training to help bring down the evil Empire. After the Alliance's victory, Yoda appeared once more to Luke. Yoda had become one with the Force, while Luke was now and forever, a Jedi. 3.75" scale.