STAR WARS (Power Of The Jedi) action figures
4" action figures, 25th Anniversary, deluxe, multi-packs, accessories, mega figures, super deformed and special edition items.
Amanaman with Salacious Crumb
The bounty hunter Amanaman lurked in Jabba the Hutt's den of crime in the Return of the Jedi. It scours the galaxy hunting down fugitives, and keeps their skulls to decorate its staff. The species is called Amanin but is nicknamed Head Hunters. This is the Fan's Choice Figure No.2 and includes Slacious Crumb!
Anakin Skywalker (Mechanic)
Nine-year-old Anakin Skywalker lives on the desert planet of Tatooine, where he serves the junk dealer Watto. He's a natural mechanic and talented pilot who doesn't realize that he's extraordinarily strong in the Force.
Aurra Sing
Once a Jedi apprentice trained by the mysterious Jedi Master known as the Dark Woman, Aurra Sing left the Jedi order before completing her training. Aurra Sing now utilizes her prowess as an experienced bounty hunter. Terse and paranoid, Sing is a formidable adversary who despises Jedi.
Battle Droid (Boomer Damage)
The wealthy Trade Federation secretly assembled a massive army of these unfeeling skeleton-like battle droids. When the time was right, they were deployed against the peaceful inhabitants of Naboo as part of a Trade Federation power play. Many battle droids received severe damage during their clash with the Gungan army in the epic Naboo land battle.
Battle Droid (Security)
$21.99 $44.99
Droid soldiers serving the Trade Federation, battle droids are emotionless warriors who follow their masters' orders without question. Security droids, programmed to guard Trade Federation bases and prisoners, are only one type of battle droid.
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi (Jedi Knight)
Many settlers on Tatooine regard old Ben Kenobi as a crazy wizard. In fact, he is General Obi-Wan Kenobi, a veteran of the Clone Wars, and one of the last surviving Jedi Knights. For years, he lived as a hermit in the remote Jundland Wastes, secretly monitoring the safety and progress of Luke Skywalker, whose father had been Kenobi's Jedi apprentice. However, fate soon required that Kenobi himself train the boy in the ways of the Force. 3.75" tall.
Bespin Guard
The blue-clad Bespin guards commonly known as "Wing Guards" are the law enforcement officers for Cloud City. Under the supervision of Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian, they protect the floating metropolis from criminal and Imperial Forces.
BoShek is a smuggler and starship technician who flew illegal ships for Tatooine monks. He helped Obi-Wan Kenobi by pointing out Chewbacca in the Mos Eisley cantina, when the Jedi was looking for transportation to Alderaan for himself, Luke Skywalker and the droids. 3.75" tall.
Boss Nass (Gungan Sacred Place)
The stern but fair ruler of the underwater city Otah Gunga, Boss Nass is the most powerful Gungan authority on the planet of Naboo. He alone can summon the Gungan Grand Army to battle, which he does to aid the Naboo in their battle against the Trade Federation.
3.75" tall.
Carbon Freezing Chamber with Bespin Security Guard
Capture prisoners and carbon-freeze them! Realistic, movie-styled "carbon freeze" chamber fits most Star Wars action figures. Includes and Exclusive 3.75" tall Bespin Security Guard! Other figures sold separately.
Chewbacca (Dejarik Champion)
The mighty Chewbacca, a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, is the friend and copilot to Han Solo. Known for his great strength, bravery and loyalty, Chewbacca often serves as Solo's conscience in their smuggling endeavors. 3.75" scale.
Chewbacca (Millennium Falcon Mechanic)
Loyal even at great personal risk, strong as a gladiator, and as technically savvy as the brightest Academy graduate, the two-meter-plus tall Chewbacca is a true hero of the Rebellion. Chewbacca is copilot aboard the Millennium Falcon, where his skill as a mechanic proves invaluable to the safety of the ship and its crew.
Coruscant Guard
Protecting the Galactic Senate and the Chancellor, Coruscant guards represent the Senate's supreme authority and the long tradition of its wise and just rule. Each guard is a highly trained soldier ready to serve and protect.
Darth Maul (Final Duel)
This mysterious and highly trained Sith warrior uses his physical and tactical abilities to further the goals of his Master, Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Maul's anger and hatred of the Jedi fuel his powers with the dark side of the Force.
Darth Maul (Mega Action)
Darth Maul is a fearsome warrior expertly trained in many forms of lethal hand-to-hand combat. Using his weapon of choice - a menacing double-bladed lightsaber - Darth Maul blocks and slashes with incredible finesse. Now with Mega Action Darth Maul, you can recreate the same awesome combat movement-just like the movie!
Darth Maul (Sith Apprentice)
Early in Darth Maul's training as a Sith, he wears special padding as he learns the rigors of hand-to-hand combat and furthers his mastery of the dark side of the Force. An extremely loyal and apt student, Maul longs to seek revenge against the Jedi order. It will not be long before he is ready to aid his master, Darth Sidious, in his quest for galactic power.
Darth Maul with Sith Attack Droid
Darth Maul, the evil Sith Lord, prepares for battle with the Jedi by dueling with lethal attack droids. Darth Maul's hatred of the Jedi fuels his skill with his double-bladed lightsaber.
Darth Vader (Dagobah)
Taking the form of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, this spirit is the embodiment of the dark side of the Force. It dwells in a cave on the swamp-covered planet of Dagobah. Although defeated by Luke Skywalker in combat, its unmasked face revealed that Luke has yet to master the ways of the Force and become a Jedi.
Darth Vader (Emperor's Wrath)
Although Darth Vader would perish without his body armor's life support system, he remains a powerful and imposing figure. His black suit and the dark side of the Force protect him from numerous opponents until he loses his cybernetic right hand in a fateful lightsaber duel with Luke Skywalker on the second Death Star.
Destroyer Droid (Mega Action)
The deadly Destroyer Droid excels in close combat situations. To begin its assault, it rolls into battle as an armored wheel. To attack, it dramatically unfolds into a three-legged lethal weapon with incredible firepower. Recreate the battle-mode transformation with the Mega Action Destroyer Droid! 6" scale.
Eeth Koth (Power Of The Jedi)
Eeth Koth is a Jedi Master and Council member known for his highly developed willpower and ability to withstand intense pain. He is an Iridonian Zabrak from Nar Shaddaa, a harsh "smuggler's moon" that forced him to learn fortitude at an early age. 3.75" tall.
Ellorrs Madak
Like all Duros, Ellorrs Madak is a natural wanderer who is at home wherever his travels take him. Although Duros tend to be a peaceful species, the Empire's restrictive trade practices prompt Madak to leave his government job and become a freelance flight instructor and occasional smuggler.
Fode and Beed
Reporting live from the press box at the Mos Espa Arena, the two-headed Troig Fode and Beed has long been a mainstay at Tatooine Podraces. Renowned for their instant play-by-play commentary, the famous announcers have hosted competitions throughout the Galactic Podrace Circuit. 3.75" scale.
The multi-armed medical droid FX-7 was stationed at Echo Base on Hoth, serving as an assistant to the medical droid 2-1B. FX-7 played a crucial role in saving Luke Skywalker after a vicious wampa attack and a night spent in the freezing temperatures of Hoth. Thanks to FX-7's excellent medical treatment programs and the bacta tank, Luke's life was spared.
Gungan Warrior (Power of the Jedi)
The Gungans are an amphibious species who live in underwater cities hidden in deep lakes on the planet of Naboo. Although Gungans have a strong warrior heritage, a series of treaties has long kept them at peace with each other. During emergencies, all territories unite to form the Gungan Grand Army.
Han Solo (Bespin Capture)
A smuggler before he joined the Rebel Alliance, the daring Han Solo stayed alive by keeping his guard up and his blaster ready. Unfortunately, when he arrived on Cloud City with Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO, Solo had no idea that he was walking right into a trap...and a fateful confrontation with Darth Vader.
Han Solo (Death Star Escape)
$19.99 $24.99
Han Solo's reputation as a notorious smuggler and pirate also makes him a target for bounty hunters. After his ship is impounded by the Empire, Han helps Obi-Wan and Luke rescue Princess Leia from the Death Star. A courageous and daring pilot, Solo eventually realizes his personal stake in the Rebels' fight for freedom. 3.75" scale.
The most infamous and feared of all assassin droids, IG-88 has made a career as a ruthless bounty hunter. The tall, slender, gray droid was produced at Holowan Laboratories. IG-88 is equipped with an array of head sensors that allow him to see in all directions at once, and a variety of lethal weapons including grenade launchers, missiles and a flamethrower.
Imperial Officer (Power Of The Force)
The Imperial officers are cunning, calculating and ruthless. They have survived a grueling training program to earn their rank. Whether he is giving commands on the bridge of a Star Destroyer or leading a garrison of stormtroopers, the Imperial officer is in complete control and rules with an iron fist. Failure means death, as many have found out in the service of Darth Vader.
Jar Jar Binks (Tatooine)
Rescued by Qui-Gon Jinn from Trade Federation forces, Jar Jar leaves Naboo and joins the Jedi on a mission to deliver Queen Amidala to Coruscant. An emergency detour to Tatooine leads them to Watto's junk shop. There, Jar Jar's insatiable curiosity gets him into trouble when he accidentally activates an excitable pit droid!
Jek Porkins
Once a free trader on Bestine IV, Jek joined the Rebel Alliance after his homeworld was conquered by the Empire. he quickly became known as one of the Alliance's most skilled pilots. When he attacked the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin, his comm-unit designation was Red Six.
A very old and experienced protocol droid, K-3PO had the vital task of leading the droid pool at Echo Base on the ice planet Hoth. K-3PO helped to coordinate the evacuation of the Rebel outpost when it was attacked by the evil Empire. 3.75" tall.
An asteroid prospector and part-time scout, the enigmatic Ketwol is often found in seedy spaceports trying to sell precious ores and metals. Ketwol is from a distant system in the Outer Rim Territories. An enemy of the Empire, Ketwol has secretly provided the Rebel Alliance with materials and information.
3.75" tall.
Lando Calrissian (Bespin Escape)
Darth Vader threatens an Imperial takeover of Cloud City unless Lando helps capture Han Solo, his friend and gambling buddy. Although Lando initially complies with Vader, the Baron Administrator risks everything when he joins the Rebels and rescues Han.
Leia Organa (Bespin Escape)
Princess Leia Organa, the beautiful and spirited leader of the Rebel Alliance, is forced to flee from Imperial forces when the Rebel base on Hoth is attacked. Landing on Bespin's Cloud City, she and her companions are taken prisoner by Darth Vader. After making a daring escape, Leia pursues the bounty hunter, Boba Fett, to the east landing platform in an attempt to rescue the frozen Han Solo.
Leia Organa (General)
A princess on her homeworld of Alderaan, Leia Organa is a strong-willed woman of action. After Alderaan was destroyed by the first Death Star, she became a full-time member of the Rebel Alliance. She is dedicated to putting an end to the Empire's reign of tyranny.

Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia Organa (Swing To Freedom)
3.75" tall figure set from Star Wars Episode IV, A New Hope.
Luke Skywalker (X-wing Pilot)
Luke first gets behind the controls of an X-wing fighter in the Battle of Yavin. Using the Force in the attack against the Death Star, Luke takes a critical shot at the battle station's reactor core. Yavin was a victory for the Rebel Alliance, and established Luke as one of the greatest starfighter pilots in the galaxy!
Mas Amedda
Mas Amedda is the stern, Chagrian Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate and is responsible for keeping order during debates. Amedda temporarily takes over when Queen Amidala submits her vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum.
Masters Of The Dark Side 2-Pack
As Lords of the Sith, Darth Vader and Darth Maul draw their power and control from the blackest depths of the dark side of the Force. Darth Vader commands by terror and is key in helping Emperor Palpatine hunt down nearly all of the Jedi Knights. As a disciple of Darth Sidious, Darth Maul's highly trained physical and tactical abilities make him one of the most dangerous Sith apprentices in history. 3.75" scale.
Mon Calamari
A peaceful race of amphibians, the Mon Calamari species have adopted the name of their watery home world. Unfortunately, they were a target for Imperial enslavement. After striking back and regaining their freedom, the Mon Calamari joined the Alliance and focused all their energies on defeating the Empire. 3.75" scale.
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Cold Weather Gear)
A Jedi must always be well equipped for any circumstance. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a loyal and disciplined Jedi, is often sent by the Jedi Council to resolve matters on worlds where the environment is very cold. He often must prepare for these missions by bringing special gear with him to handle the colder temperatures.
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Training Gear)
Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Knight training under Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, has proved his loyalty to the Council and Jedi Code time and again. In missions involving great danger, the Jedi don specially made training gear that protects them in close combat without hindering their movement.
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi)
Obi-Wan is headstrong and impulsive, but he is also loyal and trustworthy. Despite the objections of the Jedi Council, Obi-Wan has vowed to fulfill his Master's dying wish: to train Anakin Skywalker to become a Jedi.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Mega Action)
A young Jedi strong in the Force, Obi-Wan Kenobi is an expert in the art of hand-to-hand combat. With seemingly effortless grace and power, Obi-Wan cuts down several battle droids with the burning blade of his lightsaber. Now with Mega Action Obi-Wan Kenobi, you can recreate the same battle moves - just like the movie!
Features lightsaber battle moves. 7" tall.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader (Final Duel)
It's the climactic confrontation between the forces of good and evil. Two venerable warriors - a legendary Jedi Knight and his former Padawan, now seduced to the dark side of the Force - are reunited for a final duel that will decide the fate of the galaxy. 3.75" scale.
Plo Koon (Jedi Master)
One of the twelve members of the Jedi Council, Plo Koon is a courageous warrior who comes from a long line of Jedi. His hand-to-hand combat abilities are legendary. He also uses his Force powers in combination with his extensive scientific knowledge to produce startling effects against his opponents. 3.75" tall.
Princess Leia with Sail Barge Cannon
Jabba the Hutt planned to throw Han Solo to the Sarlacc in the Great Pit of Carkoon. But Princess Leia killed Jabba by choking him with the chains holding her prisoner, then rigged the Sail Barge's laser cannon to fire into the ship, destroying it and the crime lord in a huge blast!
Queen Amidala (Royal Decoy)
As the Trade Federation plan to invade peaceful Naboo unfolds, Queen Amidala must appeal to the Senate for help. In times of danger, the handmaidens serve as secret bodyguards by posing as the Queen, such as on her trip to the Galactic Senate on Coruscant, in which Sabe served as the dependable and nonchalant decoy for the Queen.
Queen Amidala (Theed Invasion)
Queen Amidala is a skilled leader who is committed to maintaining her people's way of life. She is a peaceful leader who always looks for the solution that requires the least amount of military action. Although she has been trained most of her life to enter into a leadership role, the Trade Federation blockade and certain invasion will put her skills to the ultimate test.
Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Training Gear)
Qui-Gon Jinn is a Jedi devoted to maintaining order and justice in the galaxy. He, like most Jedi, feels it is his duty to pass on what he has learned to the next generation of Jedi. He does so by taking a Padowan to mentor. During the training process, Qui-Gon often wears his Jedi training gear for protection when sparring with his trainee.
Qui-Gon Jinn (Mos Espa Disguise)
Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn has handled many difficult negotiations on behalf of the Jedi order. On some missions, he is required to wear a disguise. Bold and headstrong, he is willing to take any risk to restore lasting peace and security to the galaxy.

R2 units specialize in starship diagnostics and repairs. However, Imperial designers consider astromechs to be unneccessary weight for their short-range TIE fighters. On the second Death Star, R2-Q5 helps maintain the station's elaborate weapons and security systems, and also services all TIE fighters and bombers.
R4-M9 is a standard multiple-use droid used to control and repair vehicles and computers. An industrial Automation R4 astromech droid, R4-M9 was stationed on the Star Destroyer Devastator and used by the Empire to search the computer banks of the Rebel Blockade runner Tantive IV, in order to find data on the stolen plans for the first Death Star.
Rebel Trooper (Power Of The Jedi)
The Rebel Blockade Runner Tantive IV was on an urgent mission to Tatooine. Princess Leia Organa, armed with secret plans to the Death Star, was on her way to find General Obi-Wan Kenobi when the ship was attacked by an Imperial Star Destroyer. The heroic Rebel troopers were the last line of defense as the ship was boarded by Darth Vader and a platoon of stormtroopers.
As one of the royal handmaidens, Sabe assists Queen Amidala with her elaborate wardrobe, hairstyles, and make-up. The handmaidens act as bodyguards to the Queen, and are chosen for their intelligence, courage, and loyalty. Sabe is the Queen's most valued handmaiden, and has been trained to act as the Queen's decoy in times of danger.
Saesee Tiin
An Iktotchi Pilot, Saesee Tiin is best able to focus while traveling at extremely high speeds at the controls of the galaxy's finest spacecraft. He offers a unique perspective on the Jedi Council as his naturally telepathic mind is always racing ahead to foresee possibilites.
Sandtrooper (Tatooine Patrol)
For missions on arid planets such as Tatooine, the Empire sends in desert stormtroopers, commonly called sandtroopers. With rare exceptions, these Imperial soldiers are completely loyal to the Emperor, and are prepared to carry out their orders with ruthless efficiency.
Scout Trooper (Imperial Patrol, clean)
Although lightly armored, Imperial scout troopers are essentially highly mobile stormtroopers. They patrol perimeters, perform reconnaissance missions, and scout enemy locations. They are equipped for high maneuverability and long periods without support.
Scout Trooper (Imperial Patrol, dirty)
Although lightly armored, Imperial scout troopers are essentially highly mobile stormtroopers. They patrol perimeters, perform reconnaissance missions, and scout enemy locations. They are equipped for high maneuverability and long periods without support.
This Outer Rim Podrace pilot has rapidly risen to the top of the Podracing circuit through an unbeatable combination of reckless daring, skill, and outright cheating. The only thing Sebulba loves more than winning is ruthlessly dispatching his Podracing opponents. 3.75" tall.
Shmi Skywalker
As a girl, Shmi was captured by space pirates, separated from her family, and sold into slavery. Shmi currently serves Watto, a junk dealer on Tatooine, and also earns a small income cleaning computer memory devices. Shmi is devoted to her son, Anakin, who possesses special powers. She can always sense when he is nearby.
3.75" tall.
Teebo (Power Of The Jedi)
Teebo is an Ewok poet, musician and mystic who reads the future in the stars and communicates with nature. He's a member of the tribe's Council of Elders and led the war party that discovered Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and the others before the Battle of Endor.
When the Empire invades Mon Calamari, Tessek escapes and becomes an accountant for Jabba the Hutt. Tessek despises Jabba and hopes to kill him and acquire his fortune. Unfortuantely, Tessek doesn't realize his plans are known to Jabba's trusted servants...and to Jabba himself!
Tusken Raider (Desert Sniper)
$14.99 $29.99
Also known as Sand People, the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine have not accepted homesteaders on their planet. They prey upon settlers and travelers foolish enough to try to cross the desert wasteland. Savage and extremely dangerous, Tusken Raiders should not be underestimated.
3.75" tall.
Zutton (Snaggletooth)
Zutton is a Snivvian artist who turned bounty hunter by chasing down Thalassian slavers. He was given the nickname "Snaggletooth" at the Mos Eisley cantina, because of his pronounced fangs. His exceptional bounty hunter skills have caught the attention of crime lord Jabba the Hutt, who has put his services on retainer. 3.75" scale.