STAR WARS (The Black Series) action figures

Anakin Skywalker (The Black Series, #03)
Padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker learns the ways of the Jedi and becomes a hero as the Clone Wars engulf the Republic. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This figure is carefully detailed to look like Anakin Skywalker, and he's ready to be a hero in your own personal Clone War. Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!
3.75" tall.

Biggs Darklighter (The Black Series, #04)
$19.99 $24.99
Rebel hero and X-wing pilot Biggs Darklighter battles Imperial TIE fighters during the assault on the first Death Star. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This figure is carefully detailed to look like Biggs Darklighter, and he's ready to be a hero in your own personal Death Star mission. He comes armed with a blaster and his helmet comes off for combat! Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!
3.75" scale.

Biker Scout (The Black Series, #07)
$19.99 $24.99
This Imperial Biker Scout chases a Rebel strike team on the Endor moon. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This figure is carefully detailed to look like a Biker Scout, and he's ready to be a villain in your own personal Battle of Endor. Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!
3.75" scale.

Boba Fett (The Black Series, #06)
The notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett prepares to delivery the carbonite-frozen Han Solo to Jabba The Hutt. "He's no good to me dead." 6" scale.

Clone Commander Neyo (The Black Series, #16)
This Clone Commander is leading a speeder bike recon team on Saleucami when he received Order 66. 3.75" scale.

Clone Pilot (The Black Series, #08)
$15.99 $21.99
Clone pilots like this one flew Republic attacks in gunships during the Battle of Geonosis and other key engagements in the Clone Wars. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This figure is carefully detailed to look like a Clone Pilot, and he's ready to be a hero in your own personal Clone War.
3.75" tall.

Clone Trooper Sergeant (The Black Series, #02)
Distinguished from other troopers by his green rank markings, this clone sergeant fought for the Republic in the Battle of Geonosis. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This figure is carefully detailed to look like a Clone Trooper Sergeant, and he's ready to be a hero in your own personal Battle of Geonosis. Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!
3.75" tall.

Darth Maul (The Black Series, #02)
The evil Sith apprentice Darth Maul engages in a fierce Lightsaber duel with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This 6-inch figure is carefully detailed to look like Darth Maul in his fierce battle with Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!

Darth Vader (The Black Series #06)
The evil Sith Lord Darth Vader captures the Rebel heroes when they arrive at Bespin's Cloud City. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This figure is carefully detailed to look like the sinister Darth Vader, and he's ready to be a villain in all of your Star Wars adventures. Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!
3.75" tall.

Greedo (The Black Series, #07)
The bounty hunter Greedo attempts to capture Han Solo in the Mos Eisley Cantina and meets with an unfortunate end. "I've been looking forward to this for a long time." 6" tall.

Han Solo (The Black Series, #08)
Han Solo has a final showdown with the bounty hunter Greedo in the Mos Eisley Cantina. "Sorry about the mess." 6" tall.

Luke Skywalker (The Black Series, #01)
Luke Skywalker uses the power of the Force and his piloting skills to destroy the Death Star. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This 6-inch figure is carefully detailed to look like Luke Skywalker in his critical mission to destroy the Death Star. Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!

Luke Skywalker (The Black Series, #05)
$19.99 $24.99
Luke Skywalker is awarded a medal for his part in destroying the Death Star. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This figure is carefully detailed to look like Luke Skywalker, and he's ready to be a hero in your own personal Death Star mission. Whether the combat calls for blaster fire or lightsaber dueling skills, he's armed for action! Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!
3.75" scale.

Mace Windu (The Black Series, #19)
Mace Windu is a Jedi Master known for his wisdom as well as his excellent skill in Lightsaber combat. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This highly articulated figure is part of the ultimate Star Wars figure collection. He looks like the Jedi warrior Mace Windu down to the last detail, including his realistic-looking Lightsaber. It's as if he just walked off the set of one of his most quintessential scenes.
3.75" tall, includes lightsaber with extra handle and Jango Fett's helmet.

Mara Jade #14 (The Black Series)
An assassin for Emperor Palpatine, Mara's life changes when she meets - and eventually marries - Luke Skywalker. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This highly articulated figure is part of the ultimate Star Wars figure collection. She looks like Mara Jade down to the last detail, including her realistic-looking Lightsaber and blaster. It's as if she just walked off the set of one of her most quintessential scenes.
3.75" scale.

Merumeru (The Black Series, #15)
This Wookiee captain leads the Wookiee defense forces against the invading Separatist army during the Battle of Kashyyyk. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This highly articulated figure is part of the ultimate Star Wars figure collection. He looks like Merumeru the Wookiee down to the last detail, including his realistic-looking weapons. It's as if he just walked off the set of one of his most quintessential scenes.
3.75" tall.

Padme Amidala (The Black Series, #01)
Padmé Amidala is captured during a mission to Geonosis and must fight for her life in the execution arena. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This figure is carefully detailed to look like Padme Amidala, and she's ready to wield her blaster in your own personal Geonosis arena. Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without her!
3.75" scale.

Princess Leia (Slave Outfit, The Black Series, #05)
Dressed as one of Jabba The Hutt's slaves, Princess Leia escapes from the Hutt's sail barge at the Pit of Carkoon. "Come on, we gotta get out of here." 6" tall.

R2-D2 (The Black Series, #04)
R2-D2 is a plucky and loyal astromech droid that takes part in many of the momentous events in the galaxy. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This 6" scale figure is carefully detailed to look like R2-D2, the droid that helped Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker in their efforts to fight the Imperial forces. Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!

Sandtrooper (The Black Series, #03)
$84.99 $94.99
Imperial Sandtroopers fall prey to a Jedi mind trick that makes them ignore the two Droids they are searching for. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This 6-inch figure is carefully detailed to look like the Sandtroopers that were looking for C-3PO and R2-D2. Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!

Vizam (The Black Series, #17)
Vizam works as Jabba the Hutt's weapons master and is on the sail barge during the battle at the Pit of Carkoon. Re-create the biggest battles and missions in the Star Wars epic with figures from The Black Series! This figure is carefully detailed to look like Vizam, and he's ready to fight in your re-enactment of the battle at the Pit of Carkoon. Your collection - and your adventures - won't be complete without him!
3.75" scale, includes heavy blaster.