Venom (The Spectacular Spider-Man Animated Series, Spider Charged)
Determined to destroy The Spectacular Spider-Man once and for all, Otto Octavius – aka the diabolical Doc Ock – powers up the city's villains with his bio-engineered Cyber Spiders!
With his new, more powerful claws, and super strength enhanced by Otto Octavius' latest Cyber Spider, Venom can shred the web-slinger’s webs like they were made of air. It will be a tough struggle for Spider-Man to escape the grip of his huge hands.
Swing into action with this articulated Venom figure! Based on the animated character, this thrilling villain comes with snap-on claw accessory to try to slash his enemy. Will he succeed or will the good guy win? You decide!
5" scale figure comes with collectible Cyber Spider.
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