
LORD OF THE RINGS and THE HOBBIT action figures

Collect your Favorite Lord of the Rings action figures & The Hobbit Toys

Mass audiences worldwide will finally meet the magical creatures and characters that have made J.R. Tolkien’s books best sellers for over 30 years! These Lord of the Rings action figures bring home the magic of the movie and allow them to re-enact the battles between elves, dwarves, wizards, and the forces of evil. Our great selection Lord of the Rings toys and The Hobbit action figures can’t be found anywhere else and are available at an affordable price. We carry the most popular Lord of the Rings characters such as Sauron, Frodo, Aragorn,Eomer, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Bilbo Baggins, and Arwen. We are available to help you find and buy Lord of the Rings collectibles. Contact us Today!

10" Sauron
The manifest visage of all evil in Middle-earth, Sauron was known by many names to the free peoples of Middle-earth. In the guise of one both fair and wise, he came as a bearer of gifts, magic rings which would prolong the lives of their users and grant certain powers to them. In time however, the true nature of the Dark Lord was revealed when Sauron placed upon his own finger the master Ring, the One Ring of Power to control all others. In the Secong Age of Middle-earth Sauron came out to do battle with the allied forces of Men and Elves as a great and undefeatable warrior. Features electronic lights and authentic movie phrases!
11" Aragorn
The last descendant of ancient kings, Aragorn is fated to one day claim the long empty throne of Gondor in Minas Tirith, should he prove himself worthy. It is a doom he never wanted. For Aragorn's true heart's longing is not for glory in war, nor riches, nor power, but only the love of Arwen, daughter of Elrond, and the right to live out his days with her, though he was born a mortal man, and she Elven kind. In the face of seemingly insurmountable evil, this love is his strength and the well of his power. Includes highly detailed weapons.
11" Eomer
Nephew of King Theoden of Rohan, Eomer is a captain in the King's cavalry. A skilled horseman and warrior, he led the forces of his people in battle against the Uruk's of Isengard in the Battle of Helm's Deep, routing the Uruk-hai, who had surrounded his Lord, and driving them into the forest and their doom. When Theoden chooses to rally to the defense of Gondor and ride to Minas Tirith, Eomer accompanies him, hurling his spear and swinging his sword against the forces of Mordor in the battle to protect the White City and the hope of all Middle-earth.
11" Gandalf The White
Includes highly detailed weapons.
11" Gimli
As sturdy in spirit as he is in stature, Gimli the Dwarf is a formidable warrior. After the breaking of the Fellowship and the scattering of its members, Gimli develops a strong and unlikely friendship with Legolas the Elf and the Man, Aragorn. Despite the estrangement of their kinds, the warriors share a deep admiration and respect for each other born of their time together upon the quest. The greatest testimony of this bond will come when the three undertake the test together that will prove Aragorn's true quality and, side by side, trod the Paths of the Dead.
11" Legolas
Includes highly detailed weapons!
11" Witch King Ringwraith
The Ringwraiths were nine mortal Kings before they were transformed into Sauron's hooded riders by accepting the Dark Lord's gift of nine rings of power. They now walk, neither living, nor dead in the twilight world of Sauron's eye and hunt the Ring, seeking to return in to their master.
111th Birthday Celebration Bilbo, Trilogy
A jovial, but eccentric Hobbit of the Shire, Bilbo is the much loved uncle of Frodo Baggins. Bilbo enjoyed a long and prosperous life after his earlier adventures with the wizard Gandalf and the Dwarves, in part due to preserving qualities of the mysterious, magic Ring he had found in his travels. After a time Gandalf becomes suspicious of the true nature of Bilbo's Ring, and becomes concerned by the old Hobbit's infatuation with the trinket. 5" scale.
12" Aragorn
Heir to the Throne of Gondor, Aragorn has spent long years in exile wandering the wild. Known only as Strider, a Ranger of the North, he has kept a constant vigil against the servants and spies of the enemy. But a dark destiny faces Aragorn as he joins the fellowship in their quest to reach Mordor to destroy the One Ring.
12" Aragorn (Return of the King)
Heir to the Throne of Gondor, Aragorn has spent long years in exile wandering the wild. Known only as Strider, a Ranger of the North, he has kept a constant vigil against the servants and spies of the enemy. But a dark destiny faces Aragorn as he joins the fellowship in their quest to reach Mordor to destroy the One Ring.
12" Arwen (Fellowship Of The Ring)
An Elven Princess and the last born of her people, Arwen is in love with Aragorn, a mortal man, and is faced with the choice to leave Middle-earth with her people or fore go her immoratlity for the man she loves.
12" Arwen (Fellowship Of The Ring, red box)
An Elven Princess and the last born of her people, Arwen is in love with Aragorn, a mortal man, and is faced with the choice to leave Middle-earth with her people or forego her immortality for the man she loves. Comes with authentically styled fabric outfit and Accessories.
12" Arwen (Second Photo)
An Elven princess and the last born of her people, Arwen is in love with Aragorn, a mortal man, and is faced with the choice to leave Middle-Earth with her people or forego her immortality for the man she loves. Arwen comes with authentically styled fabric outfit and accessories.
12" Bilbo
A jovial, but eccentric Hobbit of the Shire, Bilbo was the much loved uncle of Frodo Baggins. Bilbo enjoyed a long and prosperous life after his earlier adventures with the wizard Gandalf and the Dwarves, in part due to preserving qualities of the mysterious, magic Ring he had found in his travels. After a time, Gandalf became suspicious of the true nature of Bilbo's Ring, and began to grow concerned by the old Hobbit's infatuation with the trinket. Includes authentically styled fabric outfit and accessories!
12" Eowyn
Beautiful and strong, the Lady Eowyn of Rohan was the niece of King Theoden. As her uncle's health began to fail and the influence of his manipulative aide, Wormtongue, grew, Eowyn despaired that the realm of Rohan would fall to evil. She beseeched the King to be rid of his poisonous counsellor and restore his people's courageous spirit.
12" Frodo
Frodo Baggins inherits a seemingly innocent ring from his Uncle Bilbo, and is bequethed with the ominous task of leaving the Shire to undertake a jouney that will take him across Middle-earth. Frodo's quest is to destroy the One Ring before it is found by it's creator, Sauron, the Dark Lord. If the One Ring and it's creator are reunited, Middle-earth will forever be enslaved.
12" Galadriel
The Elven Queen of the Kingdom of Lothlorien, sees into the hearts of those who seek her aide through her mystical powers. She provides prophecies and invaluable gifts to the Fellowship for their journey.
12" Gandalf
Gandalf the Grey, a charismatic, witty, and mysterious wizard, joins the Fellowship and uses all of his powers to help Frodo across Middle-earth to destroy the One Ring.
12" Gimli (Fellowship Of The Ring)
Stout in stature and quick in temper, Gimli represents the Dwarves of Middle-earth in the Fellowship. With the wielding of his axes and his deep loyalty to the quest to break the evil of the One Ring, Gimli is a powerful force against the servants of the enemy.
12" Gimli (Return of the King)
Stout in stature and quick in temper, Gimli represents the Dwarves of Middle-earth in the Fellowship. With the wielding of his axes and his deep loyalty to the quest to break the evil of the One Ring, Gimli is a powerful force against the servants of the enemy.
12" Legolas (Return Of The King)
After the breaking of the Fellowship at Amon Hen, Legolas joins Aragorn and Gimli in the hunt for the Uruks, who have captured Merry and Pippin. With keen sight and sharp ears, Legolas is able to descry from afar the stirrings of their enemies, as he scans for evidence of the missing Hobbits amidst the muddy tracks of the Uruks. Includes authentically styled fabric outfit and accessories.
12" Legolas (The Two Towers)
After the breaking of the Fellowship at Amon Hen, Legolas joined Aragorn and Gimli in the hunt for the Uruks who had captured Merry and Pippin. Legolas's keen sight and sharp ears allowed him to descry from afar the signs of their enemies while constantly scanning for sign of the Hobbits amid the trodden mud of the Uruks' trail. Includes authentically styled fabric outfit and accessories!
12" Witchking Ringwraith
Lord of the Nazgul, the nine terrifying Ringwraiths, the Witchking of Angmar was the chief lieutenant of Sauron the Dark Lord. Once a great king of old, the Witchking, like all the Nazgul, was enslaved to the will of Sauron by his magical Ring of Power. In the physical realm the Witchking was little more than a spirit wrapped in black cloth, a fearful presence. But when seen by Frodo in the spirit world, the specter's true guise was revealed. A twisted and malicious fiend, still bearing the tall crown of his office. Includes authentially styled fabric outfit and accessories!
15" Treebeard the talking ENT
Ancient beyond reckoning, Treebeard the Ent was one of the last of his dwindling kind, the long-forgotten tree shepherds of Fangorn Forest who once strode throughout the woods of Middle-earth. A wise and slow to act people, the Ents were persuaded by Treebeard, after his fateful meeting with Merry and Pippin, to awaken and lend their long slumbering might to the fight against the darkness threatening their world. Features include electronic sound & action! Requires 3 "AA" batteries, which are included. Please note that batteries may need to be replaced.
7" Frodo
Includes highly detailed weapon.
7" Sam Gamgee
Includes highly detailed weapons.
Aragorn (Fellowship Of The Ring)
Heir to the Throne of Gondor, Aragorn has spent long years in exile wandering the wild. Known only as Strider, a Ranger of the North, he has kept a constant vigil against the servants and spies of the enemy. But a dark destiny faces Aragorn as he joins the Fellowship in their quest to reach Mordor to destroy the One Ring. Features real arrow launching action!
aragorn(series 2)t.jpg
Aragorn (The Two Towers)
A descendant of the lost line of the ancient kings of Men, Aragorn saw before him a high doom. He was fated to one day claim the empty throne of Gondor, should he prove himself worthy of that office. Closer to Aragorn's heart was the love he bore for the Elf maiden Arwen, daughter of his surrogate father Elrond, Lord of Rivendell, though Arwen was fated to leave Middle-earth for the Undying Lands in the distant west. Carrying these heavy burdens, Aragorn swore himself to the protection of Frodo in the quest to destroy the One Ring.
Aragorn and Brego (The Two Towers, blue box)
A descendant of the ancient kings, Aragorn was fated to one day reclaim the lost throne of Gondor, but for the moment he found himself but one more sword amid the defenders of Rohan as they prepared for war. In this time of great peril Aragorn found a kinship with Brego, the wild horse of Rohan's late Prince Theordred, who had been cut down by Orcs at the Fords of the Isen. Brego was traumatized by the loss of his lord, but Aragorn's gentle hand stayed the beast's fear, and in time he came to bear the king in exile as faithfully as he had once borne the prince of Rohan. Aragorn features sword-slashing action. Horse Begro features galloping action.
Aragorn and Brego (The Two Towers, red box)
A descendant of the ancient kings, Aragorn was fated to one day reclaim the lost throne of Gondor, but for the moment he found himself but one more sword amid the defenders of Rohan as they prepared for war. In this time of great peril Aragorn found a kinship with Brego, the wild horse of Rohan's late Prince Theordred, who had been cut down by Orcs at the Fords of the Isen. Brego was traumatized by the loss of his lord, but Aragorn's gentle hand stayed the beast's fear, and in time he came to bear the king in exile as faithfully as he had once borne the prince of Rohan. Aragorn features sword-slashing action. Horse Begro features galloping action.
Aragorn council of Elrond (Trilogy)
Last descendant of the ancient Numenorean kings, Aragorn is raised with the wisdom of the Elves. A ranger, both keen of mind and lethal in battle, he joins the quest of the Ring to protect and guide Frodo through the dangers he must face at the urging of his friend Gandalf the Grey.
Aragorn King of Gondor (Trilogy)
The last descendant of ancient kings, Aragorn is fated to claim the long empty throne of Gondor in Minas Tirith, should he prove himself worthy. It is a future he never wanted, yet by his valor and nobility of heart, Aragorn is bound to fulfill this destiny and lead the people of Gondor toward their uncertain future. Newly crowned under his Elf name, Elessar, the King rides out at the head with his forces to answer the threat of Mordor and confront the darkness that seeks to destroy them. 6" tall.
Aragorn with Brego (Return of the King)
After the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Aragorn mustered the forces of the united free peoples of Middle-earth for one last, desperate battle. For while two little Hobbits stumbled ever closer to Mount Doom between them and their goal lay camped the vast legions of the Dark Lord Sauron. Donning the mantle of the true leader of Gondor, Aragorn mounted his faithful horse Brego, and seeking to distract Sauron's attention from the quiet doom upon his doorstep, rallied his companions and troops to march on the Black Gates of Mordor. It would be a final, desperate last stand, but therein lay their only hope. Aragorn is 6" tall.
Armored Cave Troll
The darkness of Sauron attracted many terrible and evil things to the black lands of Mordor. In addition to the innumerable hordes of Orcs and fallen Men are other creatures of darkness. Among the strongest of these are the many breeds of Trolls that dwell in the cavernous mountain hollows around the dark empire. Huge and hulking, these beasts are well suited to the heavy work Sauron's lieutenants put them to. Several such creatures are permanently employed to open the doors of the towering Black Gate. 10" Armored Troll features chain-slamming action, extending arm with chain-jabbing action, opening mouth with roaring sounds and includes Mordor Gates Armor. Requires 2 AA batteries.
Army of the Dead (Armies of the Middle-Earth)
Battle scale 3-Pack includes Army of the Dead Swordsman, King of the Dead and Army of the Dead Warrior. 2.5" scale.
Arwen (Trilogy)
With light up Evenstar.
Arwen and Asfaloth
The Elven Princess known as Arwen comes to the rescue of Frodo Baggins after he is stabbed by the Morgul blade of the Witch King. She puts the young hobbit on her horse, Asfaloth, and rushes him to Rivendell. Only Elven medicine can save the life of the gravely wounded Ringbearer. Arwen features light-up Evenstar. Asfaloth features galloping action. Includes wounded Frodo.
Arwen and Asfaloth (blue box)
The Elven Princess known as Arwen comes to the rescue of Frodo Baggins after he is stabbed by the Morgul blade of the Witch King. She puts the young hobbit on her horse, Asfaloth, and rushes him to Rivendell. Only Elven medicine can save the life of the gravely wounded Ringbearer. Arwen features light-up Evenstar. Asfaloth features galloping action. Includes wounded Frodo. 6" scale.
Arwen in Coronation Gown (Trilogy)
With the fulfillment of the quest to destroy the One Ring and the end of the war, Arwen is granted her greatest wish. In a world withouth the evil of Sauron she can survive even without the grace of her people, for the Elves are leaving Middle-earth for the uttermost West, never to return. At her father's side she travels to Minas Tirith and is wed with great ceremony to her beloved Aragorn, the newly crowned King of Gondor, in the Court of Kings beneath the flying flags of victory and peace.
Balrog Battle Gandalf (Trilogy)
Though thought lost by all in his cataclysmic duel with the great Balrog, Gandalf did not indeed pass permanently out of Middle-earth. Returning beyond hope from fire and death to muster the forces of light, the wizard shed his grey mantle and took up the title of Gandalf the White. The power that had lain veiled beneath his old grey visage now shone undiluted in the eyes of the pale wizard. Features electronic sound base and includes 3 LR44 button cell batteries.
Battle Action Aragorn (Trilogy)
In the battle to save the people of Rohan held up in the stone fortress of Helm's Deep, Aragorn distinguishes himself as the great leader of men he is destined to become. Aragorn is a mighty warrior, wielding his blade with great adeptness in defense of the Keep. He fights with passion and bravery, but also with wisdom, which earns him the respect and admiration of Theoden, King of the Rohirrim. Features sword attack action.
Battle at Helms Deep (Battle Scale)
Includes Aragorn in Helm's Deep Armor, Legolas in Helm's Deep Armor, Uruk-hai Bomber, 2 siege ladders and 3 Uruk-hai mines.
Battle at Shelob's Lair 3-Pack
Legend holds that the Pass of Cirith Ungol is guarded by a thing of great terror. Even the Orcs of that region hold in reverence the foul creature that haunts the only pass through the Mountains of Shadow. For nesting there is Shelob, a remnant of the ancient brood of monstrous spiders of the First Age. Grown bulbous and fat on the sucked juices of countless victims, Shelob weaves a silky trap within the tangled passageways of her dark home to ensnare passers by. Her presence ensures that none can enter Mordor by that perilous way. Includes Sam, Shelob, Frodo and 2 replaceable LR41 button cell batteries. 6" scale.
Battle Cry Uruk-hai Warrior (Trilogy)
The climax of Saruman's campaign against the Rohirrim is the Battle of Helm's Deep. In this bloody siege, the once great and wise Wizard, now hopelessly fallen to the will of darkness, sends down upon the Rohan people a great host of Uruk-hai warriors. Bred in secret beneath his fortress, and armed for war by the foundries of Isengard, the Uruk-hai bare into battle the heraldry of the White Hand, Saruman's emblem and the banner of his treachery. 6” scale.
Battle of the Last Alliance - The Defeat of Sauron 3-Pack
In the Second Age of Middle-earth, when Sauron uses the power of the One Ring to enslave the world, hope for all free folk lies in the Last Alliance of Men and Elves and their noble lords Gil-galad and Elendil. In the fight to protect all that is good and true, the bright sword of King Elendil and the great spear of King Gil-galad are glowing beacons of hope to the fearful as they wield them fell-handed in battle against the thralls of Mordor. Includes King Elendil, Sauron and King Gil-galad. 6" scale.
Bearers of the One Ring Gift Pack
For those few to have carried the great Ring of Power for a time in their possession, life would never be the same. Gollum bore most visibly the scars of bearing the One Ring, but even Hobbits such as Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, though sturdy of heart and resilient in spirit, eventually began to succumb to the corrupting lure of Sauron's weapon. They were alone and remote among their own kind and friends, for none could know the toll the Ring took from their souls, or ever understand the battles they fought within themselves. Includes Prologue Bilbo, Gollum and Twilight Frodo.
Berserker Uruk-hai
Of all the divisions of Saruman's vast Uruk-hai army to lay siege to Helm's Deep, the Berserkers were perhaps the most terrifying. Painted with the emblem of their lord, shaved bald and blood-smeared, these crazed warriors, largest of the Uruk-hai, wore no armour of any sort. Not expected to live, their sole purpose was to break and strike terror into the enemy lines, buying time for their armoured comrades to gain the walls of the fortress. 6" tall.
Berserker Uruk-hai (Trilogy)
Of all the divisions fo Saruman's vast Uruk-hai army to lay siege to Helm's Deep, the Berserkers were perhaps the most terrifying. Painted with the emblem of their lord, shaved bald and blood-smeared, these crazed warriors, largest of the Uruk-hai, wore no armour of any sort. Not expected to live, their sole pupose was to break and strike terror into the enemy lines, buying time for their armoured comrades to gain the walls of the fortress.
Bilbo Baggins & Gollum (The Hobbit)
Like all Hobbits, Bilbo Baggins is fond of his comfortable existence; all he needs to be happy is a full pantry and a good book. When the Wizard Gandalf and 13 Dwarves unexpectedly appear on Bilbo's doorstep and invite him to join them on a dangerous adventure, Bilbo's life changes forever. Initially skeptical of the invitation, Bilbo's spirit of adventure leads him to join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield and become the "burglar" required to complete their quest to outwit a ferocious dragon and reclaim the Dwarves' stolen treasure. To everyone's surprise, including his own, Bilbo's wit and courage prove that there is indeed more to this Hobbit than meets the eye. 3" tall.

Once a hobbit-like creature named Smeagol, Gollum's body and soul have been poisoned by the power of a small, plain, gold ring that he has kept hidden deep in a dark cavern within the Misty Mountains. Unaware of the true nature of this Rind, Gollum knows only that it is more "precious" to him than life itself. Following a chance encounter with an unlikely adversary, Gollum discovers he has lost his "precious" - suspecting, quite rightly, that it is now in the possession of one Bilbo Baggins, a Hobbit of the Shire. Thus begins a pursuit that will cross mountains and wastelands, span years and cost many lives until at last, this wretched creature will hold the very fate of Middle-earth in his hand. 2.75" tall.

Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit, 3")
Like all Hobbits, Bilbo Baggins is fond of his comfortable existence; all he needs to be happy is a full pantry and a good book. When the Wizard Gandalf and 13 Dwarves unexpectedly appear on Bilbo's doorstep and invite him to join them on a dangerous adventure, Bilbo's life changes forever. Initially skeptical of the invitation, Bilbo's spirit of adventure leads him to join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield and become the "burglar" required to complete their quest to outwit a ferocious dragon and reclaim the Dwarves' stolen treasure. To everyone's surprise, including his own, Bilbo's wit and courage prove that there is indeed more to this Hobbit than meets the eye. 3" tall figure.
Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit, 4.25")
Like all Hobbits, Bilbo Baggins is fond of his comfortable existence; all he needs to be happy is a full pantry and a good book. When the Wizard Gandalf and 13 Dwarves unexpectedly appear on Bilbo's doorstep and invite him to join them on a dangerous adventure, Bilbo's life changes forever. Initially skeptical of the invitation, Bilbo's spirit of adventure leads him to join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield and become the "burglar" required to complete their quest to outwit a ferocious dragon and reclaim the Dwarves' stolen treasure. To everyone's surprise, including his own, Bilbo's wit and courage prove that there is indeed more to this Hobbit than meets the eye.

4.25" tall.

Bilbo Transfixed (Trilogy)
For many long years Bilbo Baggins kept safe the One Ring of Sauron even though he, at that time, had no inkling of the trinket's true power. True of heart though he was, so great is the corrupting influence of the Ring that even Bilbo begins to slowly fall under its evil spell. In his wisdom, Gandalf bids the gentle old Hobbit to let the Ring be passed to his nephew Frodo. Finally relenting, Bilbo does as asked and takes his leave, retiring to Rivendell. It was there, much later, that Bilbo sees the Ring again, and it draws out of the frail old man a frightening response that even he never expected. 6" scale.
Black Gate of Mordor Gift Pack
The north and west borders of the land of Mordor are walled by two forbidding mountain ranges. Where these ranges meet is a blackened valley of slag and ash across which the mighty Black Gate of Mordor stand. None could pass that way save with the permission of the Dark Lord. The gates are manned by legions of Orcs and other hideous creatures. The strength of great Trolls is needed to open them. Through these towering iron gates the innumerable forces of the lands in the service of Mordor march to join the already vast host gathering for Sauron's war. Includes Legolas, Gimli, The Exclusive Mouth of Sauron with Steed, Aragorn with Anduril Sword, and Gandalf The White.
Bolg & Gandalf (The Hobbit)
The spawn of Azog the Defiler, Bolg, like his sire, is a giant, pale Orc. Keeper of the dungeons of Dol Guldur, Bolg takes pleasure in torture - his armour is embellished with the bones and blood of his victims. Powerfully built, this Orc is afraid of nothing and no-one - that is, until he comes up against a surprising foe. 4.5" tall figure.

One of the most powerful Wizards in all Middle-earth, Gandalf the Grey joins the quest to reclaim the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor and the great treasure that lies within its stone halls from a fire-breathing dragon, Smaug the Terrible. Along the way, Gandalf finds evidence that an ancient evil may have found its way back into the world. In order to uncover the truth, Gandalf must leave his companions to fend for themselves - a journey that will take him into darkest corners of Middle-earth where his worst suspicions are confirmed. 4" tall figure.

Boromir (Trilogy)
Boromir, a valiant warrior and eldest son of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, joins the Fellowship to protect Frodo. However, his false beliefs about the power of the One Ring ignites a growing fascination and a desire to possess it.
Boromir with electronic sound (Trilogy)
Boromir, a valiant warrior and eldest son of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, joins the Fellowship to protect Frodo. However, his false beliefs about the power of the One Ring ignites a growing fascination and a desire to possess it.
Boromir, Captain of Gondor (Trilogy)
Boromir, a valiant warrior and eldest son of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, joins the Fellowship to protect Frodo. However, his false beliefs about the power of the One Ring ignites a growing fascination and a desire to possess it.
Bridge at Khazad-dum with Balrog (Battle Scene)
Includes Gandalf the Grey, Moria Goblin Marksman and Balrog. These are smaller, battle scale figures.
Cave Troll
The Cave Troll lives beneath the ground, in the depths of the caves of the Moria Mines. This huge beast is led by a company of Moria Orcs in a vicious attack on the Fellowship of the Ring as they pass through the Mines. this powerful Cave Troll makes large booming noises as it walks, wielding his weapons with anger. Only the teamwork of the fellowship of the Ring can overcome the marauding team of orcs and their menacing Cave Troll. Features hammer slamming, spear jabbing and electronic troll roaring actions! Requires 2 "AA" batteries, included.
Cirith Ungol Uruk-hai (Trilogy)
Among Sauron's minions in the watchtower of Cirith Ungol is a small band of Mordor bred Uruk-hai or Great Orcs. Believing themselves superior to other Orc breeds these tall, well-built soldiers of the Red Eye are prone to scrapping with their stooped kin. As tensions run high among the tower's mixed wards it will take but the smallest of disagreements to initiate the bloodshed. The arrival of Frodo to the tower and the division of his confiscated possessions is one such spark that ignites the simmering hatred between the two Orc kindred. 6" tall.
Council Legolas (Trilogy)
A prince from the Elven Kingdom of Mirkwood, Legolas joruneys to Rivendell as a representative of his people to seek the council of Lord Elrond in these troubled times. Invited to sit upon the Council of Elrond to debate the future of the newly found One Ring, the proud Elf fears its corrupting influence and joins Gandalf and Elrond in calling for its destruction. Quick to jump at his throat is the burly Dwarf Gimli, also speaking for his kinsmen, who distrusts Legolas and all Elves, the memory of ancient grievances between their races adding to his naturally compteitive streak.
Crossbow Uruk-hai (Return of the King)
The climax of Saruman's campaign against the Rohirrim is the Battle of Helm's Deep. In this bloody siege, the once great and wise Wizard, now hopelessly fallen to the will of darkness, sends down upon the Rohan people a great host of Uruk-hai warriors. Bred in secret beneath his fortress, and armed for war by the foundries of Isengard, the Uruk-hai bare into battle the heraldry of the White Hand, Saruman's emblem and the banner of his treachery.
Crossbow Uruk-hai (Trilogy)
The climax of Saruman's campaign against the Rohirrim is the Battle of Helm's Deep. In this bloody siege, the once great and wise Wizard, now hopelessly fallen to the will of darkness, sends down upon the Rohan people a great host of Uruk-hai warriors. Bred in secret beneath his fortress, and armed for war by the foundries of Isengard, the Uruk-hai bare into battle the heraldry of the White Hand, Saruman's emblem and the banner of his treachery. Features real crossbow firing action. 6" tall.
Deluxe Poseable Battle Troll
In the final days of Sauron's campaign against the free realm of Gondor, the Dark Lord unleashes all manner of terrible beasts and foul servants of evil to reap ruin upon his enemies. Clad in heavy armor and trained for war, among his most fearsome minions are the great Battle Trolls from the mountains of Mordor. These towering brutes are far stronger than any Man and their thick hide and plated armour is nearly impervious to any harm. 11" tall.
Dungeons of Isengard Orc Captain (Trilogy)
A foul, black-blooded, murderous race, Orcs are the servants of evil in Middle-earth. Deep in the pits below the fortress if Isengard, Orcs in the pits below the fortress of Isengard, Orcs in the employ of the fallen wizard Saruman outfitted the newly bred Uruk-hai and fed the machines of war built to create this new army. The labor is brutal, but the Orcs are hardy and resilient, having been born to toil and mistreatment in their earliest days of creation. They are further spurred by the evil they know their work will come to unleash upon the world of Men.
Dwalin the Dwarf & Balin the Dwarf (The Hobbit)
A descendant of nobility and a Dwarf Lord in his own right, Balin the Dwarf is one of the oldest members of The Company of Dwarves. Wise and gentle by nature, he has been forced to live a life fraught with war and the ongoing struggle for survival. Related to Thorin Oakenshield, Balin is one of his closest, most trusted advisors - but deep in his heart, this wisest and most loyal of Dwarves harbors troubling doubts about the wisdom of the Quest for the Lonely Mountain. 3.25" tall.

Renowned as a great Warrior, Dwalin the Dwarf speaks his mind plainly and is not one to suffer fools lightly. Fiercely loyal, he is Thorin Oakenshield's staunchest supporter with an unshakable belief in his friend's leadership. A powerful and bruising fighter, Dwalin has a natural tendency to distrust anyone who is not a Dwarf and is particularly suspicious of Elves. Proud, brave and one of the tallest of the Dwarves, Dwalin will bow to none but those who have earned his respect. 3.5" tall.

Among the thralls of the Dark Lord, not all were Orcs. Many races of men were represented in Sauron's armies of the Third Age, including the savage and violent Easterlings. Having marched from their lands in the distant East, a great host of these richly garbed warriors assembled before the Black Gates of Mordor, there to join the already vast legion within. Features highly detailed armor.
Electronic Eye of Sauron (Trilogy)
Disembodied when the One Ring was cut from his hand at the Battle of the Last Alliance in the Second Age, the Dark Lord Sauron became a shadowy echo of his former self. Formless and terrifying, he returned to his rebuilt tower of Barad-dur, and from there began to muster his strength to begin the long search for the only thing that might restore his form and power, the lost One Ring. Now no more than a terrible will, Sauron appeared as a great Eye, lidless and slitted, wreathed in flame. Against his piercing gaze none could stand. Features light and sound. 6" scale.
Electronic Talking Gollum
12" scale electronic talking Gollum includes interchangeable Gollum/Smeagol heads, fish, and says 22 phrases, including the "Wish for a Fish" song!
Elrond (Fellowship Of The Ring)
Long ago, Elrond helped lead a victorious army of elves and men in a war against Sauron and his servants. Elrond later established Rivendell as a haven for the elves against Sauron - and through time grew to be a powerful Elf Lord. Yet Elrond always knew that Sauron would be back to search for his Ring. And now that the One Ring has been found, Elrond helped form a Fellowship of nine to destroy it before Sauron recovers it and enslaves Middle-earth. Features Elven sword attack action!
Elrond (Trilogy)
With Elven sword attack action.
Elrond of Rivendell (Trilogy)
A wise Elf Lord, Elrond is the father of Arwen, and founder and master of the Elf-haven Rivendell. In the Third Age of Middle-earth Elrond is an instrumental leader, rallying the diverse peoples of the lands together to fight the threat of Sauron. A close friend of Gandalf, Elrond is counted among the wisest of living beings. He is stern and direct in his authority, and yet a loving and compassionate father. When his daughter Arwen chooses to forsake her immortality and bind herself instead to the Human Aragorn, Elrond's heart is torn between honoring the love of his daughter and losing her to a mortal death. 6" tall.
Elven Archer vs. Berserker Uruk-hai
Elven Archer features bow attack action! Berserker Uruk-Hai features sword-slashing attack action!
Elven Cloaked Frodo with Sting Sword
Frodo was a most unlikely hero. A hobbit, small and quiet, but possessing a true and noble spirit, Frodo became the bearer of the One Ring when it was left to him by his famous Uncle Bilbo. The task therefore fell to him to do what no one else could, and destroy the ring by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom. The burden of this charge would lie heavy on Frodo, pulling at him constantly as he trod the perilous path to Mordor from whence the Ring came.
Elven Warriors of Helm's Deep (Battle Scale)
3" tall, includes Elven Warrior, Haldir and Elven Archer.
Elves of Middle-earth 6-Pack
Includes 6" scale versions of Prologue Elven Warrior, Legolas, Elrond of Rivendell, Arwen, Gil-Galad and Haldir.
Eomer (The Two Towers)
The nephew of King Theoden, Eomer was on of Rohan's mightiest warriors and a captain among the ranks of their fine horseman. Noble and strong, he lead a patrol of Rohirrim soldiers, defying his uncle, in pursuit of a troop of Orcs and Uruk-hai who violated the borders of their land. Like his sister Eowyn, Eomer despaired at the ailing health and spirit of the king, and looked upon his aide, the slithering Wormtongue, with barely veiled contempt. Features sword attack action. 6" tall.
Eomer (Trilogy)
With sword-attack action.
Eomer in Ceremonial armor
Nephew of King Theoden of Rohan, Eomer was a captain in the King's cavalry. When Theoden chose to rally to the defense of Gondor and ride to Minas Tirith, Eomer accompanied him, hurling his spear and swinging his sword against the forces of Mordor in the battle to protect the White City and the hope of all Middle-earth. In the aftermath of battle, when the bitter pain of lost friends tinged the pure blowing of the victory horn with sadness, Eomer stood alongside his companions in his finest armor, honoring their memory with hope for the future they died to protect. 6" tall.
Eowyn (Return of the King)
Beautiful and strong, the Lady Eowyn of Rohan is the niece of King Theoden. Despite her noble blood, Eowyn is not one to shy from combat. Adept with sword and shield, the Lady is quite capabale of defending herself. When the men of Rohan leave to do battle in defense of their realm, Eowyn longs to be allowed to take arms and join them, though her gender and office forbade it.
Eowyn (Trilogy)
Beautiful and strong, the Lady Eowyn of Rohan is the niece of King Theoden. Despite her noble blood, Eowyn is not one to shy from combat. Adept with sword and shield, the Lady is quite capable of defending herself. When the men of Rohan leave to do battle in defense of their realm, Eowyn longs to be allowed to take arms and join them, though her gender and office forbade it. Features sword-slashing action.
Eowyn in armor
Forbidden to join the Men of Rohan in battle by her uncle, King Theoden, Eowyn takes on the armour of a young soldier and hides her feminine features beneath a sturdy helm. Thus garbed, and armed with her bright sword, she takes a horse and rides to war in secret as a man of the cavalry of Rohan to join the fight for Minas Tirith. Though raised a lady, Eowyn is no stranger to bearing arms. Her skill with a blade is no less than her King's soldiers' and, when all others are dead or gone, it is she who comes bravely to his aid. 6" scale.
The youngest son of Lord Denethor, Steward of Gondor, Faramir was brother to Boromir who perished defending Merry and Pippin. Unlike his brother, Faramir was not beloved by his father, and spent many years as a ranger, scouting and defending the wild borderlands of Gondor in order to earn his affection. Features sword-wielding action!
Faramir in Gondorian armor (Trilogy)
The youngest son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor, Faramir ever walks in the long shadow of his older brother Boromir. Though Faramir's heart is noble and his valor as great as any man's, his father sees it not, and counts him little more than a pale reflection of his fallen brother. When Boromir fails to return from Rivendell whence Denethor had sent him, Faramir takes up the charge of defending the borders of their land from the irrepressible advance of Sauron's forces, but to little avail. For by this time the might of Mordor had grown great indeed, and war descends upon Gondor like an unstoppable storm. 6" scale.
Fell Beast
Commanding the skies over the battlefields of Middle-earth during the War of the Ring are the terrifying Nazgul. Riding upon the backs of huge Fell Beasts bred in Mordor, the evil wraiths are their master's eyes in the battle and his scouts during the hunt for the Ring. Terror is their weapon and borne through the air upon their grim mounts, there is no corner of Middle-earth the Nazgul cannot reach, striking fear in the hearts of all who hear their dreadful screams. Assembles to a 32" wingspan and includes 6" tall Ringwraith rider!
Fimbul The Hunter & Warg (The Hobbit)
One of Azog's master hunters, Fimbul is a particularly vicious Orc. Leader of the pack of Warg riders who hunt down their victims astride giant wolf-beasts Fimbul has picked up the scent of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield and is intent on tracking down the Dwarves before they can reach the Lonely Mountain. Fimbul the Hunter is a 4" tall figure. Warg is a 3.5" tall figure.
Final Battle of Middle-earth 6-Pack
Includes 6" scale versions of Legolas, Pippin in Armor, Merry in Armor, Attack Troll, Aragorn, and Gandalf.
Flaming Ringwraith (Trilogy)
Once great kings of Men, the Nazgul were corrupted by the magic rings given to them by Sauron the Dark Lord. Now formless and frightening specters, they are slaves to the will of the Dark Lord who sends them out to scour Middle-earth for the One Ring. At Weathertop these accursed beings overtake Frodo and his companions, hoping to steal from him the Ring that he possesses. But the Hobbits are far from defenseless, for out of the shadows springs Aragorn, who, wielding nought but his sword and a fiery brand, resists the paralyzing fear exuded by the Wraiths and fearlessley defends his charges. Time and again the Ranger's sword clashes with the Wraiths', and the flames of his torch engulf their dull robes sending them screaming into the night. Features light-up flames.
Frodo & Samwise Gamgee 2-Pack
The Fellowship of the Ring leaves the High Elves of Lothlorien to contiue their journey, restocked with food and supplies. The Elf Lord Celeborn provides them with three Elven boats to ease their journey down the Anduin River. As always, Samwise Gamgee joins his friend and master, Frodo Baggins, in their own boat. The Ringbearer and his companions must continue their quest to Mordor, their goal is to destroy the One Ring before the Dark Lord, Sauron takes it back to rule Middle-earth. Includes Elven boat accessory.
Frodo (Fellowship Of The Ring Trilogy)
Frodo Baggins inherits a seemingly innocent ring from his Uncle Bilbo, and is bequeathed with the ominous task of leaving the Shire to undertake a journey that will take him across. Fordo's quest is to destroy the One Ring before it is found by its creator, Sauron, the Dark Lord. If the One Ring and it's creator are reunited, Middle earth will forever be enslaved. Features sword-attack action.
Frodo (Fellowship Of The Ring)
Frodo Baggins inherits a seemingly innocent ring from his Uncle Bilbo, and is bequeathed with the ominous task of leaving the Shire to undertake a journey that will take him across Middle-earth. Frodo's quest is to destroy the One Ring before it is found by it's creator, Sauron, the Dark Lord. If the One Ring and it's creator are reunited, Middle-earth will forever be enslaved. Features sword-attack action and Ringwraith reveal base. 4.5" tall.
Frodo (The Two Towers Trilogy, with light-up Sting Sword)
With light-up Sting sword.
frodo(series 2)t.jpg
Frodo (The Two Towers)
Frodo was a most unlikely hero. A hobbit, small and quiet, but possessing a true and noble spirit, Frodo became the bearer of the One Ring when it was left to him by his famous Uncle Bilbo. The task therefore fell to him to do what no one else could, and destroy the ring by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom. The burden of this charge would lie heavy on Frodo, pulling at him constantly as he trod the perilous path to Mordor from whence the Ring came.
Frodo with Goblin Disguise armor
In order to pass unnoticed on the roads of Mordor, Frodo and Sam wear the garments of the Orcs. Fatigued by the journey through the mountains and rendered nearly hopeless by the unrelenting weight of the Ring, Frodo crosses the ashen wasteland with Sam at his side. In tattered garb and beaked helmets, the two are passable Orcs, as they make their way toward the Mount Doom and the penultimate fulfillment of their quest. 4.5" tall.
Galadriel (Fellowship Of The Ring, red box)
The Elven Queen of the Kingdom of Lothlorien, sees into the hearts of those who seek her aide through her mystical powers. She provides prophecies and invaluable gifts to the Fellowship for their journey.
Galadriel (Trilogy)
6" tall, Lady of Light.
Galadriel Entranced by The One Ring (Trilogy)
Last of the great Elves of old, Galadriel is wise beyond reckoning and more powerful than any of her kind that still lives. Yet for all her power and wisdom even Galadriel is drawn by the corrupting lure of the One Ring. When Frodo comes bearing this mighty gift to her home of Lothlorien, the Elven queen wavers and is tempted. Transfigured before Frodo's eyes, she appears in a moment of weakness as she might under the influence of the One, beautiful and terrible, a treacherous and terrifying vision of a future that might be. Requires 2 (L736) button cell batteries, included.
Gamling (Trilogy)
A loyal soldier of Rohan and member of King Theoden's royal guard, Gamling is an experienced warrior. During the fateful siege of Helm's Deep the soldier barely leaves his Lord's side. He is skilled with both lance and sword, and brings to the protection of the embattled fortress his years of experience defending the fields of Rohan from incursions by its enemies, the Orcs and Dunlending Wildmen of the southern Misty Mountains.
Gandalf the Grey, a charismatic, witty, and mysterious wizard, joins the Fellowship and uses all of his powers to help Frodo across Middle-earth to destroy the One Ring. Features light-up staff action. 6" tall.
Gandalf and Shadowfax
Though thought lost by all in his cataclysmic duel with the great Balrog, Gandalf did not indeed pass permanently out of Middle-earth. Returning beyond hope to muster the forces of light, the wizard shed his grey mantle and took up the title of Gandalf the White. From the stables of Rohan he took also the great stallion Shadowfax. Wild in spirit and temper, Shadowfax was considered untamable by all save the wizard, who rode bareback, clutching the silvery hair of the mount's mane. No other horse in all Middle-earth could match the stallion's speed and grace. Gandalf features sword-slashing action and Shadowfax features galloping action!
Gandalf and Shadowfax (blue box)
Gandalf the White and Shadowfax though thought lost by all in his cataclysmic duel with the great Balrog, Gandalf did not indeed pass permanently out of Middle-earth. Returning beyond hope to muster the forces of light, the wizard shed his grey mantle and took up the title of Gandalf the White. From the stables of Rohan he took also the great stallion Shadowfax. Wild in spirit and temper, Shadowfax was considered untamable by all save the wizard, who rode bareback, clutching the silvery hair of the mount's mane. No other horse in all Middle-earth could match the stallion's speed and grace. Gandalf features sword-slashing action and Shadowfax features galloping action!
Gandalf Stormcrow (Trilogy)
As the spectre of darkness grows over Middle-earth and Sauron's armies issue forth from the Black Gates to lay siege to the lands of Men, Gandalf knows that in this war, victory can not be won by force of arms alone. All hope now lay with the success of Frodo's quest, and to that end the White Wizard marshalls the forces of the free peoples in a desperate bid to distract Sauron's gaze from his own lands. Like a radiant beacon of hope in desperate times, Gandalf musters the defenses of Gondor and councils the leaders to stand firm in the face of the darkness. Every moment so gained brings Frodo another step closer to Mount Doom. 6" tall figure includes hooded robe and features staff-extending action.
Gandalf The Grey (The Hobbit, 4")
One of the most powerful Wizards in all Middle-earth, Gandalf the Grey joins the quest to reclaim the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor and the great treasure that lies within its stone halls from a fire-breathing dragon, Smaug the Terrible. Along the way, Gandalf finds evidence that an ancient evil may have found its way back into the world. In order to uncover the truth, Gandalf must leave his companions to fend for themselves - a journey that will take him into darkest corners of Middle-earth where his worst suspicions are confirmed.

Includes hat, staff & sword.

Gandalf The Grey (The Hobbit, 6")
One of the most powerful Wizards in all Middle-earth, Gandalf the Grey joins the quest to reclaim the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor and the great treasure that lies within its stone halls from a fire-breathing dragon, Smaug the Terrible. Along the way, Gandalf finds evidence that an ancient evil may have found its way back into the world. In order to uncover the truth, Gandalf must leave his companions to fend for themselves - a journey that will take him into darkest corners of Middle-earth where his worst suspicions are confirmed.
Gandalf The Grey (Trilogy)
Gandalf the Grey, a charismatic, witty, and mysterious wizard, joins the Fellowship and uses all of his powers to help Frodo across Middle earth to destroy the One Ring.
Gandalf The White (Return of the King)
As the spectre of darkness grows over Middle-earth and Sauron's armies issue forth from the Black Gates to lay siege to the lands of Men, Gandalf knows that in this war, victory can not be won by force of arms alone. All hope now lay with the success of Frodo's quest, and to that end the White Wizard marshalls the forces of the free peoples in a desperate bid to distract Sauron's gaze from his own lands. Like a radiant beacon of hope in desperate times, Gandalf musters the defenses of Gondor and councils the leaders to stand firm in the face of the darkness. Every moment so gained brings Frodo another step closer to Mount Doom.
Gandalf The White (The Two Towers)
Though thought lost by all in his cataclysmic duel with the great Balrog, Gandalf did not indeed pass permanently out of Middle-earth. Returning beyond hope from fire and death to muster the forces of light, the wizard shed his grey mantle and took up the title of Gandalf the White. The Power that had lain veiled beneath his old grey visage now shone undiluted in the eyes of the pale wizard. Features staff-extending action! 6" scale.
Gandalf The White (Trilogy)
With staff-extending action.
Gate of Mordor Sam (Trilogy)
With his promise to Gandalf in mind and unerring loyalty in his heart, Sam Gamgee will not be parted from his friend and master Frodo Baggins. Together these two head out alone into the wilderness on their way to Mordor to destroy the One Ring. Though he distrusts the wretch, Sam even abides by Frodo's decision to accept the guidance of the treacherous Gollum, who leads them through labyrinthine hills and marshes to the entrance to the ashen land, the great Black Gate of Mordor.
Gil-Galad (Trilogy)
In the Second Age of Middle-earth, Sauron used the power of the One Ring to enslave the world, hope for all free folk lay in the Last Alliance of Men and Elves and their noble lords Gil-galad and Elendil. In the fight to protect all that was good and true, the bright sword of King Elendil and the great spear of King Gil-galad were glowing beacons of hope to the fearful as they wielded them fell-handed in battle against the thralls of Mordor. 6" tall.
Gimli (Fellowship Of The Ring)
Stout in stature and quick in temper, Gimli represents the Dwarves of Middle-earth in the Fellowship. With the wielding of his axes and his deep loyalty to the quest to break the evil of the One Ring, Gimli is a powerful force against the servants of the enemy. 4" tall figure features battle axe swinging action.
Gimli (Trilogy)
With axe-throwing action.
Gimli in Coronation attire (Trilogy)
Stubbornness and steadfastness are two qualities for which Dwarves are known, and of these attributes, Gimli, Son of Loin, is a proud example. Next to his true heart it is these qualities that binds Gimli unshakably to companions Legolas and Aragorn through countless perils and adventures. From Rivendell to Minas Tirith, Gimli stands by his uncommon friends with axe in hand. So it is that at the end of the journey he stands by them still, in the Court of Kings upon the top of the White City, to celebrate the fulfillment of the quest and the Coronation of King Elessar, his friend.

4" tall.

Goblin King & Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit)
As a young Dwarf Prince, Thorin witnessed the destruction and terror wrought when a great fire breathing dragon attached the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. When no one came to the aid of the surviving Dwarves, a once pround and noble race was forced into exile. Now, as the strong, fearless fighter and respected leader of The Company of Dwarves, Thorin is determined to reclaim his homeland and destroy the beast that brought such misery upon his people. Figure is 3.5" tall.

The Goblin King is a giant, vain, grotesque creature, grown fat and flabby through years of tyrannical rule over the wretched inhabitants of Goblin Town - a ramshackle collection of slums located deep in the caverns of the Misty Mountains. He lords over a horde of twisted and diseased Goblins covered in scars and sores. Scavengers at heart, living off whatever travelers they can waylay in the high passes of the mountains, the Goblin King and his minions manage to capture Bilbo and the Dwarves. More cunning and knowing than his appearance would suggest, the Great Goblin delights in tormenting his captives and very nearly manages to bring the Company of Thorin Oakenshield to a nasty end. Figure is 7" tall.

Gollum with Electronic Sound Base
Tortured and wrought wretched by the lure of the One Ring, Gollum is a withered, piteous creature. Driven mad and twisted by his loss of the One Ring decades ago, he is compelled to haunt Middle-earth, searching everywhere for the only thing in the world he ever cared for, his "precious".
Gollum with electronic sound base (Trilogy)
Tortured and wrought wretched by the lure of the One Ring, Gollum is a withered, piteous creature. Driven mad and twisted by his loss of the One Ring decades ago, he is compelled to haunt Middle-earth, searching everywhere for the only thing in the world he ever cared for, his "precious".
Gondorian Ranger
Under their Captain Faramir, the Gondorian Rangers patrolled the narrow wilds between the lands of Gondor and Mordor. Faramir's men were skilled in woodcraft and knew all the secret ways and places of their realm. None could pass through without their knowledge, and many servants of the enemy met their doom at the point of Gondorian arrows or spears without ever knowing they were being watched. Gondorian Ranger is outfitted with weapons.
Gondorian Swordsman (Trilogy)
A great noble realm in the elder days, Gondor has, in the ages that have followed the loss of her King, given way to disrepair and slow decay. Lacking the strong leadership the nation needs, she has dwindled in size, losing her provinces one by one to the dark encroachment of Mordor. By the time of the War of the Ring, Minas Tirith is the last great stronghold of the once vast empire. Against the looming might of the enemy, the noble Men of Gondor gallantly raise their city's defenses, but their efforts are in vain, for without their King, hope of victory is slim. 5" tall.
Gothmog (Trilogy)
As Sauron puts forth his might against Gondor, he dispatches his Lieutenant, the Witch-king of Angmar, to oversee the invasion. While the Wraith directs the siege from the air, his minion Gothmog, a horrifically disfigured Orc chieftain, imparts his Lord's orders to the frontline troops on the ground. Gothmog is a huge and cruel Orc, whose iron will is law to his soldiers. From atop his Warg mount he directs the flow of the battle from the banks of the Anduin to the walls of Minas Tirith. 6" scale.
Grima Wormtongue
Devious servant of the wizard Saruman, Wormtongue was advisor and confidant to King Theoden of Rohan. Wormtongue used his influence on the weakened king to manipulate the Rohirrim people to his true master's purposes. He desired above all, the hand of the Lady Eowyn of Rohan to take as his own, though she saw through his poisonous words and spurned him. Features knife slashing action!
Grinnah The Goblin (The Hobbit)
Chief interrogator of the Goblins, it is Grinnah who ensures that Thorin Oakenshield and Company are brought before the Great Goblin. With his spiked whip in hand, Grinnah revels in every chance he gets to use it. Although cunning and vicious, he is, like all Orcs, a coward at heart. Obsequious and fawning, in secret he loathes his master, the fat and capricious, Great Goblin King. 3.5" tall figure.
A scheming, ambitious Orc from the ashen wastes of Mordor, Grishnakh was part of a group of Orc hunters under Sauron's dominion that joined Ugluk's Uruk-hai troop on the plains of Rohan. Grishnakh's plans for the troops' captives, Merry and Pippin, were in conflict with Ugluk's orders to deliver them to the wizard Saruman. Believing they might have the treasure his lord sought, He tried to steal the Hobbits away from the watchful Uruk-Hai. 6" tall.
Hama Royal Guard of Rohan (Trilogy)
A noble officer of the royal guards of Rohan, Hama stands outside the great Golden Hall of Edoras. Despite the ill health of his Lord and the interference of the devious aide Wormtongue, Hama obeys King Theoden's commands faithfully, even when it pains him to do so. Loyal to the end, he is among those to fall when the Wargs attack King Theoden's ranks on the march to Helm's deep.
Haradrim Archer (Trilogy)
The Dark Lord Sauron's influence has spread far into the South of Middle-Earth. There, in the Sun-scorched hotlands, he hold sway over the fearsome Haradrim, a race of men who have long been enemies of the people of Gondor. When Sauron began his campaign against Gondor, many Haradrim were pressed into service in his armies. Bearing the arms they used in hunting, the Haradrim were worthy opponents. From atop their lofty Mumakil wartowers they rained arrows down upon the enemy with deadly accuracy. 6" tall.
Helm's Deep Aragorn (The Two Towers)
In the battle to save the peoople of Rohan held up in the stone fortress of Helm's Deep, Aragorn distinguished himself as the great leader of men he was destined to become. Aragorn was a mighty warrior, wielding his blade with great adeptness in defense of the Keep. He fought with passion and bravery, but also with wisdom, which earned him the respect and admiration of Theoden, King of the Rohirrim.
Helm's Deep Aragorn (Trilogy)
With sword-slashing action.
Helm's Deep Battle Set 5-Pack
Includes Aragorn, King Theoden, Gimli, Legolas and an exclusive Haldir.
Helm's Deep Legolas (The Two Towers)
After the breaking of the Fellowship at Amon Hen, Legolas joined Aragorn and Gimli in the hunt for the Uruks who had captured Merry and Pippin. Legolas's keen sight and sharp ears allowed him to descry from afar the signs of their enemies while constantly scanning for sign of the Hobbits amid the trodden mud of the Uruks' trail.
Helm's Deep Legolas (Trilogy)
With shield skateboard.
Heroes of Middle-Earth Gift Pack
An elf, a Man and a Dwarf - a bow, a sword and an axe - never before had Middle-earth seen such an unlikely and yet stalwart friendship of estranged kindred as that of Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli. All of noble birth and bearing, these three answered the call of fate, pledging themselves to protect Frodo Baggins on his quest to destroy the One Ring. It was a road embarked upon that would take many turns, through darkness and tragedy, glory and defeat, but in their resolve and strength of heart these three never wavered, trusting to each other and the rightness of their cause. Includes Legolas in Rohan Armor, Gimli with Axe-Throwing Action and Aragorn with Sword-Slashing Action.
Isengard Orc (Trilogy)
A foul, black-blooded, murderous race, Orcs are the servants of evil in Middle-earth. In his bid for power, the fallen wizard Saruman, employs vast legions of Orcs to drive his machines of war and craft the arms and plate that his Uruk-hai army would bear into battle. Scouting and raiding parties of Orcs he also sent out to harass and spy on the people of Rohan, burning their villages and ambushing their horsemen. King Theoden's own son was slain by a raiding party of Orcs from Isengard.
Kili the Dwarf & Fili the Dwarf (The Hobbit)
Younger brother to Fili the Dwarf, Kili the Dwarf is a loyal nephew to Thorin Oakenshield. Carefree and somewhat reckless, Kili has led a charmed and untroubled life to this point. Handsome and physically able, Kili possesses the invincible courage of youth. He is a skilled fighter and expert archer, having been trained with weapons from an early age. As one of the youngest in The Company of Dwarves, Kili is determined to make his mark and prove his worth.

Fili the Dwarf was born into the royal line of Durin and raised under the stern guardianship of his uncle, Thorin Oakenshield. Along with his brother Kili, Fili is one of the youngest in The Company of Dwarves. He has never traveled far, nor ever seen the fabled Dwarf City of Erebor. A skilled fighter, Fili sets off on the adventure ahead with little idea of the challenges and dangers that lie before him.

Both are 3.5" tall.

King Elendil (Trilogy)
In the Second Age of Middle-earth, Sauron used the power of the One Ring to enslave the world, hope for all free folk lay in the Last Alliance of Men and Elves and their noble lords Gil-galad and Elendil. In the fight to protect all that was good and true, the bright sword of King Elendil and the great spear of King Gil-galad were glowing beacons of hope to the fearful as they wielded them fell-handed in battle against the thralls of Mordor.
King Theoden
Monarch of the land of Rohan, King Theoden was a courageous leader and soldier. By way of the slithering machinations of his servant Grima Wormtongue, the fallen wizard Saruman was able to subvert and poison Theoden's mind for a time, plunging Rohan into darkness and despair. But through the intervention of Gandalf, Theoden was exorcised of Saruman's influence. Restored to health and soundness of spirit, the King banished Wormtongue from his hall and again lead his people with wisdom and bravery. 6" tall figure features sword attack action!
King Theoden in armor (The Two Towers)
Monarch of the land of Rohan, King Theoden was a courageous leader and soldier. By way of the slithering machinations of his servant Grima Wormtongue, the fallen wizard Saruman was able to subvert and poison Theoden's mind, for a time plunging Rohan into darkness and despair, but through the intervention of Gandalf, Theoden was exorcised of Saruman's influence. Restored to health and soundness of spirit, the King banished Wormtongue from his hall and again lead his people with wisdom and bravery.

6" tall.

King Theoden in armor (Trilogy)
Monarch of the land of Rohan, King Theoden was a courageous leader and soldier. By way of the slithering machinations of his servant Grima Wormtongue, the fallen wizard Saruman was able to subvert and poison Theoden's mind, for a time plunging Rohan into darkness and despair, but through the intervention of Gandalf, Theoden was exorcised of Saruman's influence. Restored to health and soundness of spirit, the King banished Wormtongue from his hall and again lead his people with wisdom and bravery. Features sword-slashing action. 6" tall.
Kings of the Middle-earth 6-Pack
Includes 6" tall versions of Prince Isildur, King Elendil, King Theoden, Aragorn King of Gondor, The King of The Dead and Morgul Lord Witch-king.
Legolas (Fellowship Of The Ring)
Legolas is an Elf and Son of the King of the Woodland Realm of Mirkwood. He joins the fellowship and his skill with both sword and bow proves invaluable in fighting the dark forces that seek out the One Ring. Features dagger-slashing and arrow-launching actions.
Legolas (The Two Towers)
After the breaking of the Fellowship at Amon Hen, Legolas joined Aragorn and Gimli in the hunt for the Uruks who had captured Merry and Pippin. Legolas's keen sight and sharp ears allowed him to descry from afar the signs of their enemies while constantly scanning for sign of the Hobbits amid the trodden mud of the Uruks' trail. Includes Rohan Armor.
Legolas (Trilogy)
With dagger-slashing and arrow-launching action.
Legolas Greenleaf & Tauriel (The Hobbit)
Although a Prince of the Woodland Realm and a High Elf, like his father Thranduil, Legolas is more likely to be found patrolling the forest alongside the Sylvan Elves of the Woodland Guard than in the Court of the King. Tall and lithe, he is a lethal fighter and fiercely loyal to his father and his people; however, events in the outside world have begun to encroach upon the insular world of the Wood Elves. A growing sense of foreboding forces Legolas to choose between the will of his father and his own conscience. 4" tall.

A sylvan Elf, this Daughter of Mirkwood is as deadly as she is beautiful. A favorite of King Thranduil and Captain of the Woodland Guard, it is her job to follow the orders of the King without question. However, Tauriel has a strong will and unyielding passion for what she believes is right. An expert fighter, her signature weapons include twin daggers and a bow and arrow. Like Legolas, Tauriel is extremely fast and agile in battle. Although she has lived for many hundreds of years in Middle-earth, she remains one of the youngest of the Elven folk, and has rarely ventured beyond the borders of the great forest. 3.75" tall.

Legolas Greenleaf (The Hobbit, 4")
Although a Prince of the Woodland Realm and a High Elf, like his father Thranduil, Legolas is more likely to be found patrolling the forest alongside the Sylvan Elves of the Woodland Guard than in the Court of the King. Tall and lithe, he is a lethal fighter and fiercely loyal to his father and his people; however, events in the outside world have begun to encroach upon the insular world of the Wood Elves. A growing sense of foreboding forces Legolas to choose between the will of his father and his own conscience.

4" tall.

Legolas Greenleaf (The Hobbit, 6.5")
Although a Prince of the Woodland Realm and a High Elf, like his father Thranduil, Legolas is more likely to be found patrolling the forest alongside the Sylvan Elves of the Woodland Guard than in the Court of the King. Tall and lithe, he is a lethal fighter and fiercely loyal to his father and his people; however, events in the outside world have begun to encroach upon the insular world of the Wood Elves. A growing sense of foreboding forces Legolas to choose between the will of his father and his own conscience.

6.5" tall.

Legolas with Arrow Launching Action (Trilogy)
After the breaking of the Fellowship at Amon Hen, Legolas joins Aragorn and Gimli in the hunt for the Uruk-hai who captured Merry and Pippin. Legolas' keen sight and sharp ears allows him to descry from afar the signs of their enemies while constantly scanning for sign of the Hobbits amid the trodden mud of the Uruks' trail.
Legolas with dagger throwing action (Trilogy)
Though the Fellowship that set forth from Rivendell had dwindled to but three, still the friendship that bound these three held strong. Elf, Man and Dwarf, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli hold to each other through hardships and peril in spite of the differences that have estranged their kindred. Yet the greatest challenge of their trust in each other is to come at the entrance to the Paths of the Dead. This path is Aragorn's alone, and to it he is committed, but neither Legolas nor Gimli will permit him to go on without them. The bow of Legolas will be at Aragorn's side to whatever end.
Legolas with Horse
Legolas features dagger-slashing action, while horse features galloping action.
Legolas with Rohan armor (Trilogy)
Though the Fellowship that set forth from Rivendell had dwindled to but three, still the friendship that bound these three held strong. Elf, Man and Dwarf, Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli hold to each other through hardships and peril in spite of the differences that have estranged their kindred. Yet the greatest challenge of their trust in each other is to come at the entrance to the Paths of the Dead. This path is Aragorn's alone, and to it he is committed, but neither Legolas nor Gimli will permit him to go on without them. The bow of Legolas will be at Aragorn's side to whatever end.
Lord Of The Rings Deluxe 9-Pack (Fellowship Of The Ring, green box)
Includes (from left to right) Aragorn, Samwise Gamgee, Boromir, Merry, Pippin, Gimli, Legolas, Frodo and Gandalf. Includes the One Ring to Rule Them All and Map of Middle-earth!
Lord Of The Rings Deluxe 9-Pack (Fellowship Of The Ring, red box)
Includes (from left to right) Aragorn, Samwise Gamgee, Boromir, Merry, Pippin, Gimli, Legolas, Frodo and Gandalf. Includes the One Ring to Rule Them All and Map of Middle-earth!
Lurtz (Applause)
Stands 9" tall and includes weapons.
Lurtz (Trilogy)
Lurtz, the strongest and largest of the Uruk-Hai, bred by Saruman and whose sole mission to seek out Frodo to gain possession of the Ring.

6" tall.

Lurtz vs. Boromir 2-Pack
Lurtz is the strongest and largest of the Uruk-Hai, bred by Saruman and whose sole mission to seek out Frodo to gain possession of the ring. Boromir, a valiant warrior and eldest son of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, joins the Fellowship to protect Frodo. However, his false beliefs about the power of the One Ring ignites a growing fascination and a desire to possess it.
Men of the Rohan Army (Battle Scale)
3" tall, includes Rohan Soldier, Rohan Standard Bearer and Rohan Archer.
Merry & Pippin
Merry and Pippin are two young Hobbits from the Shire that unexpectedly join Frodo on his Journey to the Land of Mordor to destroy the One Ring in order to save Middle-earth from the clutches of Sauron, the Dark Lord.
Merry & Pippin vs. Moria Orc 2-Pack
Merry and Pippin are two young Hobbits from the Shire that unexpectedly join Frodo on his journey to the Land of Mordor to destroy the One Ring in order to save Middle-earth from the clutches of Sauron, the Dark Lord. Moria Orc - a breed of creatures evolved from a tortured race of Elves that were thrown into slavery in the mines and in the outskirts of Mordor. Skilled with weapons, the Orcs are the foot soldiers of Sauron, the Dark Lord traveling in marauding bands, stopping at nothing to destroy the mission of the Fellowship of the Ring. Features Moria Mines battle attack action. 6" scale.
Merry vs. Grishnakh
Merry features sword-slashing action and Elven cloak! Grishnakh features sword-slashing action!
Merry with Rohan armor (Trilogy)
Cast about in the storm of war that assails Middle-earth, young Hobbit Merry finds himself alone in the company of the Rohirrim and their King, Theoden. In such hard times and against such great odds, it is hard to imagine what difference one small Hobbit could make; yet Merry's heart is strong. His only wish is to help his friends, to do what he can in their aid, and to hope that he might one day see them all again, though all the hosts of Mordow now lay between them. 4.5" tall.
Mirkwood Legolas (Trilogy)
A Prince of the Elven Kingdom of Mirkwood, Legolas joins the Fellowship of The Ring as a representative of his people. Legolas possesses the keen eyesight and sharp ears characteristic of his race, and his skill with a bow is unmatched. Many times on their journey, the bow of Legolas saves this fellowship from their enemies.
Morgul Lord Witch-King (Trilogy)
Greatest of the dark servants of Sauron, known to Men as the Ringwraiths or Nazgul, the Witch-king is his master's lieutenant in the field and dwells in the cursed fortress of Minas Morgul. When the Dark Lord sends his armies against the free realm of Gondor, the Witch-king falls above them as their chief. The terror he commands and exerts upon the hearts of Men is the Witch-king's greatest weapon, for it has been prophesied that, by the hand of no mortal Man can he be slain. Few can withstand his overwhelming presence in battle.

8" tall.

Moria Orc
A breed of creatures evolved from a tortured race of Elves that were thrown into slavery in the mines and in the outskirts of Mordor. Skilled with weapons, the Orcs are the foot soldiers of Sauron, the Dark Lord traveling in marauding bands, stopping at nothing to destroy the mission of the Fellowship of the Ring.
Moria Orc Archer (Trilogy)
A cruel and vile breed, the Orcs of the Misty Mountains invaded the Dwarf-realm of Moria and took up residence there in the deepest pits. Cunning marksmen, the evil archers in their ranks sent arrows raining down on the Fellowship when they attempted to pass through the mines. Fortunately Legolas' archery was every bit as accurate and the Fellowship prevailed to escape through the East Gate to Lorien.
Mount Doom Frodo (Trilogy)
Carried through adversity and untold dangers by the companionship of Sam, Frodo stumbles up the jagged slopes of Mount Doom - the end of his long quest at hand. Worn past the point of exhaustion and despair, the crushing weight of the Ring threatens to pull him ever downward in to darkness, Frodo nonetheless wills himself onward, crawling his slow way to the edge of the precipice that lay over the great Crack of Doom. Here he faced his final and ultimate test, to destroy the Ring and save all Middle-earth, or to give in to temptation and take all creation with him in to ruin and death. Includes electronic sound base.
Mount Doom Gift Pack
Only in the fires of Mount Doom could the One Ring be destroyed, and so it was that against all odds, Frodo crawled toward this grim goal. Though strong of will and pure of heart, even Frodo would surely have failed in this seemingly impossible task, had it not been for the courage and loyalty of his friend Sam. In spite of all that they faced, Sam would not be swayed from Frodo's side, though Gollum did all that he could to drive a wedge of mistrust between them. Yet determination ran in the blood of Hobbits, for even Gollum, who was once a Hobbit himself, before the Ring found him, dragged his weary and parched bones across the waste of Mordor in pursuit of Frodo and his Precious. Includes Frodo with Sting sword, Gollum and Sam Gamgee with sword.
Mount Doom Sam (Trilogy)
Weary and worn, Sam and Frodo draw near to the final fulfillment of the quest. Every step brings them closer to Mount Doom and into greater peril. As the sky becomes black and the land underfoot turns to ash, the weight upon Frodo grows ever more overwhelming. Always at his side is Sam, whose unswerving loyalty and conviction of heart binds him to Frodo in spite of the seeming impossibility of their task and the odds against their success. Sam's heart is a pure one. His love for his friends is true, and the commitment to his promise to Gandalf will not be broken. Includes electronic sound base.
Newborn Lurtz
Lurtz is the strongest and largest of the Uruk-Hai, bred by Saruman and whose sole mission to seek out Frodo to gain possession of the ring. Features realistic battle attack action.
Orc Overseer
In the caverns of Isengard, Saruman's orcs prepare his army for war. Armour and weapons are hammered while new born Uruk-Hai are pulled from the soft earth. The Orc Overseer stands ready with whip to assure the service of Lurtz to the White Hand of Saruman. Includes Dungeons of Isengard newborn Uruk-Hai.
Orc Warrior
The Orcs are violent, malformed creatures of evil, spawned in foul pits of pain and hate. They are unnaturally bred to be the foot soldiers of Sauron. Despised by every other race in Middle-earth, Orcs travel in marauding bands, wreaking havoc and destruction wherever they go.
Orthanc Chamber at Isengard (Battle Scene)
Includes Gandalf the Grey, Saruman the White & Grima Wormtongue.
Pelennor Fields 5 Piece Gift Pack
The name given to the green and fertile lands around the White City of Minas Tirith is the Pelennor Fields. In the War of the Ring, these pastures are trampled beneath the countless ironclad feet of the Orcs of Sauron's army when they invade Gondor. Where once food was grown for the people of Gondor, now a desperate and terrible battle is fought. Upon that ground, great machines of war lay siege to the city. Where once Men tilled the soil, now Fell Beasts of Mordor spill blood. Includes Soldier of The Dead, Legolas, exclusive Mumakil Rider, Gimli, and an exclusive Morannon Orc.
Pelennor Fields Deluxe Set (Battle Scale)
Includes 2 Mordor Orcs, 2 Gondorian Soldiers, 1 Siege Troll, 1 Siege Tower, and 1 Gondorian Catapult.
Pelennor Fields with Fell Beast (Battle Scene)
Includes Witch-king and Eowyn in Rohan armor.
Pippin in armor (Trilogy)
Since the day he swore to go with his cousin Frodo on his quest, Pippin found himself a party to events beyond his understanding. A simple Hobbit from the sleepy Shire, Pippin is overwhelmed by the scale of the perils about him and for much of his journey, failing to grasp the full measure of what is at stake or for what his companions fight. For much he relies upon the sharper eyes and wit of his friend Merry to guide his path. Yet, when thrust by his own curiosity into great peril, a dawning of awareness finally comes to Pippin and, delving deep into his soul, he finds the courage to rise to his destiny.
Pippin vs. Ugluk
4.5" tall Pippin features sword-slashing action and Elven cloak! 6" tall Ugluk features sword-slashing and whipping action!
Possessed King Theoden (Trilogy)
Monarch of the land of Rohan, King Theoden was a courageous leader and soldier. By way of the slithering machinations of his servant Grima Wormtongue, the fallen wizard Saruman was able to subvert and poison Theoden's mind, for a time, plunging Rohan into darkness and despair But through the intervention of Gandalf, Theoden was exorcised of Saruman's influence. Restored to health and soundness of spirit, the King banished Wormtongue from his hall and again lead his people with wisdom and bravery.
Prince Isildur (Trilogy)
The son of King Elendil, Isildur fought alongside his father in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. When the King was slain by Sauron, and all hope seemed lost, Isildur took up his father's sword and struck at the Dark Lord. In so doing he sliced the Ring, the source of Sauron's power, from his hand, destroying his physical form and ending the War. Nevertheless, Isildur's greatest test yet stands before him. Having won it, will he now destroy the One Ring as Elrond counsels, or will he keep it and allow evil to endure? 6" tall.
Prince Theodred (Trilogy)
The only son of King Theoden of Rohan, Theodred stood to inherit his father's realm and Lordship. In a cruel betrayal however, the Wizard Saruman, having fallen to evil, sent his Orc raiders to fall upon Theodred and his party at the Fords of the River Isen. The Prince's Men were cut down by the Wizard's Orcs and he was left for dead upon the riverbank. Theodred's cousin Eomer discovered him and bore him home to Edoras where he laid proof of Saruman's treachery before King Theoden.
Prologue Bilbo
Bilbo Baggins is the oldest of all the Hobbits. He has benefited from the life-extending powers of the Ring, all the while taking the risk that it could ultimately claim his soul. Trusting Gandalf's counsel, Bilbo gives up the Ring and goes to Rivendell to enjoy his retirement. There, beneath the trees and in the company of his Elvish friends, Biblo at last begins to feel the touch of time. As the long years of his life carve their lines slowly upon his features, the old Hobbit's only care is for the safe return of his beloved cousin Frodo.
Prologue Elven Warrior (Fellowship Of The Ring, red box)
In the Second Age of Middle-earth the Noldorin King Gil-galad assembled a mighty army of High Elves beneath his starry banner. Armed with elegantly curved blades, tall shields, bright spears and strong bows, the host of Gil-galad joined King Elendil's army of men in an alliance against the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron. Sauron's Orc minions, while more numerous, were no match for the Elves, who fought their way to the very doorstep of the Dark Lord's stronghold. 6" scale.
Prologue Elven Warrior (Trilogy)
In the Second Age of Middle-earth, the Noldorin King Gil-galad assembled a mighty army of High Elves beneath his starry banner. Armed with elegantly curved blades, tall shields, bright spears and strong bows, the host of Gil-galad joined King Elendil's army of men in an alliance against the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron. Sauron's Orc minions, while more numerous, were no match for the Elves, who fought their way to the very doorstep of the Dark Lord's stronghold. Features Elven armor and weapons.
Ringwraith (Fellowship Of The Ring, red box)
Sauron transformed the Kings of Men, the wearers of his powerful magical Rings, into the mysterious Ringwraiths. The Rings granted their bearers immortality but it came with a price. They slowly became enslaved to follow Sauron's every command. Nothing remains of their physical bodies. Now all that is left of these former monarchs are their twisted spirits.
Ringwraith (Trilogy)
Once great kings of Men, the Ringwraiths accepted the gift of magic Rings from the Dark Lord Sauron long ago. From that time forward their wills became enslaved to his, their bodies withering until they became formless specters. Fear is their weapon and it follows them like a cloud wherever they roam carrying out their master's errands. When the Dark Lord puts forth the might of his armies against the land of Gondor, the Ringwraiths wheel high above the battlefield, on their fearsome winged mounts, their rending screams striking terror into the hearts of Men.
Ringwraith and Horse
Sauron transformed the Kings of Men, the wearers of his powerful magical Rings, into the mysterious Ringwraiths. The Rings granted their bearers immortality but it came with a price. They slowly became enslaved to follow Sauron's every command. Nothing remains of their physical bodies. Now all that is left of these former monarchs are their twisted spirits. Ringwraith featues sword-slashing action. Horse features light-up eyes and galloping action.
Ringwraith and Horse (Fellowship Of The Ring, blue box)
Sauron transformed the Kings of Men, the wearers of his powerful magical Rings, into the mysterious Ringwraiths. The Rings granted their bearers immortality but it came with a price. They slowly became enslaved to follow Sauron's every command. Nothing remains of their physical bodies. Now all that is left of these former monarchs are their twisted spirits.
Ringwraith and Horse (Fellowship Of The Ring, red box)
Sauron transformed the Kings of Men, the wearers of his powerful magical Rings, into the mysterious Ringwraiths. The Rings granted their bearers immortality but it came with a price. They slowly became enslaved to follow Sauron's every command. Nothing remains of their physical bodies. Now all that is left of these former monarchs are their twisted spirits.
Ringwraith bank with sound
Stands 8" tall. Please note that his sword is broken at the handle and the bank needs new batteries.
Ringwraith Gift Pack
Once ancient kings of Men, the Ringwraiths were lured to Sauron's service by the gift of Rings of Power. These the Dark Lord used to enslave them, turning them into withered, disembodied wraiths of their former selves. They became the Ringwraiths, shadowy servants of Sauron who could only be seen in their true twilight forms by one wearing a Ring of Power. Greatest of all of them was the Witch-king of Angmar, who wielded his weapons of fear and despair with as much skill as he would a blade. Includes Ringwraith, Twilight Ringwraith and Morgul Lord Witch-king.
Rohirrim Soldier
A race of plainsmen, the people of Rohan were known to many as the Rohirrim. Situated to the north of Gondor, their ally, the lands of Rohan were a thoroughfare for travelers between north and south, east and west. Consequently the soldiers of Rohan, all trained riders, maintained vigilant patrols on their land in such dangerous times as those preceding the War of the Ring. The Rohirrim bore tall, noble helms, bright mail and long lances of ash. Features spear attack action!
Sam Gamgee (Trilogy)
Having crossed the mountains to Mordor, Frodo and Sam wear the garments of Orcs in order to pass unnoticed by unfriendly eyes. Small as they are, with their guises pulled tight about them and large helmets upon their heads, the Hobbits make passable Orcs. Even so, the journey is perilous. With Frodo's health failing and his mind under siege, Sam sets his will to the task of protecting Frodo and encouraging him as they draw ever closer to their ultimate distination and the grim fulfillment of the quest.
Sam in Mordor
The loyal friend and gardener of Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee was a stout hearted Hobbit. Though simple in outlook, he was dependable and brave. When Gandalf chose him to accompany Frodo on his quest, Sam made a simple promise not to lose his master and friend. To that task he held true, following Frodo as his unshakable companion even into the desolate, ashen wastes of Mordor and almost certain death.
Samwise Gamgee
Sam, a gardener from the Shire, is Frodo's most faithful friend and trusted companion. He accompanies Frodo on his journey to the Land of Mordor to destroy the One Ring in order to save Middle-earth from the clutches of Sauron, the Dark Lord. Includes Moria Mines Goblin battle action base.
Samwise Gamgee with Goblin Disguise armor
Having crossed the mountains to Mordor, Frodo and Sam wear the garments of Orcs in order to pass unnoticed by unfriendly eyes. In spite of their small sizes, the Hobbits make passable Orcs, but still, the journey is perilous. Sam once again vows to protect Frodo, whose health and mind are failing him, as they make their way ever closer to Mount Doom and the penultimate fulfillment of their quest. 4.5" tall.
Once a good wizard and ally of Gandalf, Saruman becomes corrupt in his quest for power and desires to obtain the One Ring for himself. He greedily rebuilds the once beautiful Gardens of Isengard into a breeding ground of evil. Includes magic floating Palantir on base. 6" tall.
Saruman The White (The Two Towers)
Once the wisest and greatest of the Istari, the Wizards of Middle-earth, Saruman fell into darkness when he delved too deep into the study of his enemy's ways. The wizard's pride and love of power overcame his wisdom, and all those to whom he had been known as friend became his enemies. He became the chief adversary of the freedom-loving people of Rohan, and by dark means, bred a vast army of terrible Uruk-hai warriors to conquer their lands and destroy them.
Saruman The White (Trilogy)
With staff-raising action and Eye of Sauron Palantir.
Sharku with Warg Beast
An old and horrifically scarred Orc veteran of the Goblin Wars, Sharku is the chieftain of a vicious tribe of Warg-riding Orcs who throw their support behind the banner of the fallen wizard Saruman. Sharku's lust for war is harnessed and directed by Saruman, who orchestrates the Warg-riders' mounted raids against their enemies, the Rohirrim people of the Plains of Rohan. Sharku features knife-slashing action. Warg beast features jaw-chomping action.
Shelob Attack Frodo (Trilogy)
In the final days of the War of the Ring, the fate of all Middle-earth rests with the Hobbit Frodo Baggins. Now on the final leg of his long journey, Frodo and his ever-loyal companion Sam approach the ashen land of Mordor, home of the Dark Lord Sauron. With every footfall taken towards that fell place, the burden upon Frodo's soul grows in weight, for the Ring above all else seeks to return to the hand of its master. Weariness and fatigue, desperation and gloom, hang over the tiny Hobbit so far from home. Yet onward he proceeds for his failure in this task would bring about the ruin of the world.
Shelob's Lair with Frodo & Sam (Battle Scene)
Description coming soon.
Smeagol with authentic movie phrases (Trilogy)
Cursed and tortured by the possession of the One Ring of Power, Smeagol's fragile mind is overtaken by the cruel, sniveling Gollum. Consumed by the search for his "precious" and forced from his home, Gollum forces the kind Smeagol to cower within in near silence, as the two spend their miserable, friendless life wandering Middle-earth.
Smeagol with Electronic Sound Base
For the many years that he possessed the One Ring of Power, the creature Gollum was cursed with a long and pitiable life. Driven from his home, he became a wretched soul, a sniveling, gurgling fiend without a friend in the world except that which he called his 'precious'. The Ring tortured and consumed him, breaking his fragile mind until he became two distinct entities. Smeagol was his name from long ago, and what little remained of him cowered in his soul from the cruel councel of Gollum, his new Ring-consumed self.
Strider (Fellowship Of The Ring)
With Sword-Drawing and Sword-Slashing Actions!
Strider (Trilogy)
With sword-slashing action.
Super Poseable Aragorn (Trilogy)
The last descendant of ancient kings, Aragorn is fated to claim the long empty throne of Gondor in Minas Tirith, should he prove himself worthy. It is a future he never wanted, yet by his valor and nobility of heart, Aragorn is bound to fulfill this destiny and lead the people of Gondor toward their uncertain future. Newly crowned under his Elf name, Elessar, the King rides out at the head with his forces to answer the threat of Mordor and confront the darkness that seeks to destroy them.
Super Poseable Boromir (Trilogy)
Boromir, a valiant warrior and eldest son of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, joins the Fellowship to protect Frodo. However, his false beliefs about the power of the One Ring ignites a growing fascination and a desire to possess it.
Super Poseable Denethor Steward of Gondor (Trilogy)
Since the death of their King and the loss of his line, many ages of Men past, the land of Gondor has been without a ruling monarch. In his stead a Steward was appointed, and this tradition continued until tht War of the Ring, at with time Denethor sat upon the Steward's throne. Yet the mind of Denethor is not at peace. Doubt and grief cloud his vision and his only great hope was with his eldest son Boromir, who fell at the hands of the Uruk-hai. Denethor sees not the gifts of his younger son Faramir, whose only wish is to please his father and honor his brother's legacy.
Super Poseable Frodo with Journal (Trilogy)
Frodo is a most unlikely hero. A small and quiet Hobbit, but possessing a true and noble spirit, Frodo became the bearer of the One Ring when it was left to him by his famous Uncle Bilbo. The task therefore falls to him to do what no one else could, and destroy the Ring by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom. The burden of this charge would lie heavy on Frodo, pulling at him constantly as he treads the perilous path to Mordor from whence the One Ring came. 4.5" tall.
Super Poseable Gollum
So named for the foul gurgle he makes in his throat, Gollum is a pitiable and wretched creature, enslaved by his desire for the One Ring. His need for it drives him relentlessly, corrupting his mind and twisting his tiny body into a mangled, sinewy echo of his former self. In his weary frame a fearsome debate rages between his two selves, Smeagol, the tortured bones of his old identity, and Gollum, his spiteful new self, born of the domination of the Ring. In this debate Gollum fights to convince himself to betray his sworn master, Frodo, and take back that which he craves.
Super Poseable Gorbag (Trilogy)
During the War of the Ring, the watchtower of Cirith Ungol on the border of Mordor, is manned by a mixed trooper of Uruk-hai and small Orcs. Between the two kindred is bad blood and the tower is plagued with unrest. Gorbag is one of the Orcs patrolling the tower when Frodo and Sam attempt to pass that way. In the skirmish that follows Frodo's capture, Gorbag seeks to ensure that the Hobbit's confiscated possessions make their way safely to his Lord Sauron. 6" tall.
Super Poseable Minas Tirith Citadel Guard (Trilogy)
A great noble realm in the elder days, Gondor has, in the ages that have followed the loss of her King, given way to disrepair and slow decay. Lacking the strong leadership the nation needs, she has dwindled in size, losing her provinces one by one to the dark encroachment of Mordor. By the time of the War of the Ring, Minas Tirith is the last great stronghold of the once vast empire. Against the looming might of the enemy, the noble Men of Gondor gallantly raise their city's defenses, but their efforts are in vain, for without their King, hope of victory is slim. 6" tall.
Super Poseable Pelennor Fields Aragorn
The last descendant of ancient kings, Aragorn is fated to one day claim the long empty throne of Gondor in Minas Tirith, should he prove himself worthy. It is a doom he never wanted. For Aragorn's true heart's longing is not for glory in war, nor riches, nor power, but only the love of Arwen, daughter of Elrond, and the right to live out his days with her, though he was born a mortal Man, and she Elven kind. In the face of seemingly insurmountable evil, this love is his strength and the well of his power. 6" tall.
Super Poseable Shagrat Mordor Uruk-hai Warrior (Trilogy)
An Uruk of Mordor, Shagrat is among those stationed alongside a troop of lesser Orcs in the Cirith Ungol watchtower. Like most of his kin, Shagrat looks down on the crooked-legged Orcs he begrudgingly shares his post with. Tall and broad-shouldered, the Uruk-hai consider themselves a superior race and are not bound by the same rules of obedience that hold the small Orcs in Sauron's service. When Frodo's belongings are brought to the tower, Shagrat takes a liking to certain choiced items, igniting a disagreement that will have significant consequences. 6" tall.
Super Poseable Shelob (Trilogy)
Legend holds that a thing of great terror guards the Pass of Cirith Ungol. Even the Orcs of that region revere the foul creature that haunts the only pass through the Mountains of Shadow. For nesting there is Shelob, a remnant of the ancient brood of monstrous spiders of the First Age. Grown bulbous and fat on the sucked juices of countless victims, Shelob weaves a silky trap within the tangled passageways of her dark home to ensnare passersby. Her presence ensures that none can enter Mordor by that perilous way.
Super Poseable Smeagol Stoor Fisherman (Trilogy)
One of a Hobbit-like people who made their living upon the banks of the River Anduin, Smeagol enjoyed fishing with his cousin Deagol in their small boat. It was during one such fishing trip that Deagol fell into the water and emerged with a most extraordinary treasure. It was an event that would change Smeagol's life forever. Enraptured by the lure of the One Ring, he tried to take the precious find from his cousin and in so doing began his descent in to the darkness that would eventually claim his very identity, twisting him with its evil into the wraith-like creature Gollum.
Super Poseable Strider (Trilogy)
A descendant of the lost line of the ancient kings of Men, Aragorn saw before him a high doom. He was fated to one day claim the empty throne of Gondor, should he prove himself worthy of that office. Closer to Aragorn's heart was the love he bore for the Elf maiden Arwen, daughter of his surrogate father Elrond, Lord of Rivendell, though Arwen was fated to leave Middle-earth for the Undying Lands in the distant west. Carrying these heavy burdens, Aragorn swore himself to the protection of Frodo in the quest to destroy the One Ring. 6" scale.
Tauriel (The Hobbit)
A sylvan Elf, this Daughter of Mirkwood is as deadly as she is beautiful. A favorite of King Thranduil and Captain of the Woodland Guard, it is her job to follow the orders of the King without question. However, Tauriel has a strong will and unyielding passion for what she believes is right. An expert fighter, her signature weapons include twin daggers and a bow and arrow. Like Legolas, Tauriel is extremely fast and agile in battle. Although she has lived for many hundreds of years in Middle-earth, she remains one of the youngest of the Elven folk, and has rarely ventured beyond the borders of the great forest.

5.5" scale.

The Coronation Gift Pack
With the quest fulfilled and the Dark Tower of Barad-dur destroyed, the reign of Sauron is at an end. Throughout Middle-earth the voices and hands of free peoples are raised high together in songs of celebration and triumph. And nowhere is this celebration more joyful than at the White City of Minas Tirith, which but for the return of her King, would have been destroyed by Sauron's hordes. Here king Elessar receives his crown and his bride, the Elf Lady Arwen, ushering in a new age of peace and freedom for all kindreds. Includes exclusive Faramir (Prince of Ithilien), exclusive Lady Eowyn, Aragorn (King of Gondor), Arwen and Eomer (King of Riddermark). 6" scale.
The Hobbit 5- Pack
Includes 4" tall versions of Bilbo Baggins, Thoren Oakenshield, Kili The Dwarf, Fili The Dwarf and Dwalin The Dwarf.
The King of the Dead (Trilogy)
Like his people, the King of the Dead Men beyond Dunharrow is a cursed soul. In ages past, he and his army had renounced their pledge of allegiance to the King of Gondor and fled to their mountain homes. Since that time, they lay bound by a curse to the shadowy depths beyond Dunharrow as bodiless spectres, awaiting the chance to honor their broken oath. Only a true King of Gondor can wield the power to release the dead King and his ghostly multitudes from this curse. Thus for many an age they have haunted the Paths of the Dead, awaiting the one who can set them free.
There and Back Again 5-Pack
Includes, Frodo, Samwise, Bilbo, Merry, and Pippin.
Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit, 3.5")
As a young Dwarf Prince, Thorin witnessed the destruction and terror wrought when a great fire breathing dragon attacked the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. When no one came to the aid of the surviving Dwarves,a once proud and noble race was forced into exile. Now, as the strong, fearless fighter and respected leader of the Company of Dwarves, Thorin is determined to reclaim his homeland and destroy the beast that brought such misery upon his people. 3.5" tall figure.
Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit, 5")
As a young Dwarf Prince, Thorin witnessed the destruction and terror wrought when a great fire-breathing dragon attacked the Dwarf Kingdom or Erebor. When no one came to the aid of the surviving Dwarves, a once proud and noble race was forced into exile. Now, as the strong, fearless fighter and respected leader of The Company of Dwarves, Thorin is determined to reclaim his homeland and destroy the beast that brought such misery upon his people. 5" tall figure.
Traveling Bilbo (Fellowship Of The Ring)
5" tall, with Bag End Diorama and Traveling Gear.
Traveling Bilbo (Fellowship Of The Ring, red box)
Long ago, a well-traveled young hobbit known as Bilbo Baggins found a magical ring in a cave. Not knowing the true evil nature of the ring, he eventually left this seemingly charming trinket to his cousin and adopted heir, Frodo Baggins. Bilbo then departed the Shire forever, leaving his home, Bag End, to travel Middle-earth once again.

5" tall.

Traveling Bilbo (Trilogy)
Long ago, a well-traveled young hobbit known as Bilbo Baggins found a magical ring in a cave. Not knowing the true evil nature of the ring, he eventually left this seemingly charming trinket to his cousin and adopted heir, Frodo Baggins. Bilbo then departed the Shire forever, leaving his home, Bag End, to travel Middle-earth once again.

5" tall.

Treebeard (Return of the King)
7" tall, features branch-lifting action.
Treebeard (Trilogy)
7" tall, with branch-lifting action.
Twilight Frodo (The Two Towers)
Frodo was a most unlikely hero. A Hobbit, small and quiet, but possessing a true and noble spirit, Frodo became the bearer of the One Ring when it was left to him by his famous Uncle Bilbo. The task therefore fell to him to do what no one else could, and destroy the ring by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom. The burden of this charge would lie heavy on Frodo, pulling at him constantly as he trod the perilous path to Mordor from whence the Ring came.

5" tall.

Twilight Frodo (Trilogy)
5" tall, features sword attack action.
Twilight Ringwraith (Fellowship Of The Ring, red box)
Once great kings of Men, the Nazgul were corrupted by the magic rings given to them by Sauron the Dark Lord. They bacame formless creatures, frightening specters, slaves to the will of the Dark Lord who sent them out as agents of his will to scour the lands of Middle-earth for the One Ring. To most they appeared as black-robed figures on horseback, projecting about themselves an overwhelming aura of fear. Frodo, however, saw the Ringwraiths in their true form when he placed the One Ring on his finger at Weathertop. They appeared to him as wretched husks of their former selves, tall and thin, drawn and sapped of their mortality till all that remained were pale, twisted masks of the will of Sauron.

6" tall.

Twilight Ringwraith (Trilogy)
6" tall, with sword-jabbing action.
An Uruk-hai chief, Ugluk took command of a troop of scouts dispatched to capture the Hobbits and return with them to the wizard Saruman. Ugluk's troop was joined on their journey by a group of Mordor Orcs, leading to several disagreements over their course of action. The chief resolved the issues of leadership and shortage of food with his own style of Uruk diplomacy.

6" tall.

Uruk-hai (Battle Scale)
3" tall. Includes Ugluk, Mauhur and Uruk-hai Warrior.
Uruk-hai Battering Ram (Battle Scale)
3" tall, includes 4 Uruk-hai Soldiers.
Uruk-hai Siege Ballista (Battle Scale)
3" tall, includes 2 Uruk-hai Soldiers.
Uruk-hai Warrior vs. Gimli 2-Pack
Gimli, a Dwarven Warrior, volunteered to the Council of Elrond to represent his people and to protect Frodo on his journey to destroy the Ring and become part of the Fellowship of the Ring. He has a deep loyalty to their quest to destroy the One Ring. Gimli will do anything to protect his friends from attacks by their enemies. His short stature will not stop him from battling the grotesque, yet powerful Uruk-Hai warriors bred by Saruman to attack the Fellowship and capture the Ring for their master. Features sword & shield battling actions and axe-throwing action!
Weathertop Strider (Trilogy)
When Frodo and his party discover Gandalf is not at Bree to meet them as arranged, their plan to ferry the One Ring out of the Shire to safety seems doomed. Five Ringwraiths now dog their trail, but though the forces of darkness close in about them, all hope is not yet lost. Stepping from the shadows to lead them is Strider, a grim yet noble Ranger, a wanderer and swordsman, and friend to Gandalf the Grey. Under his guidance and protection, the Hobbits are lead by secret ways to the scarred hill of Weathertop, where Strider proves the manner of his mettle, standing fearlessly between Frodo and his five terrifying pursuers. Features light up torch (requires 2 L736 button cell batteries, included).
Witch King Ringwraith (Fellowship Of The Ring)
The Ringwraiths were nine mortal kings before they were transformed into Sauron's hooded riders by accepting the Dark Lord's gift of nine rings of power. They now walk, neither living nor dead, in the twilight world of Sauron's eye and hunt the Ring, seeking to return it to their master. Features sword lunging action.
Witch King Ringwraith (Trilogy)
The Ringwraiths were nine mortal kings before they were transformed into Sauron's hooded riders by accepting the Dark Lord's gift of nine rings of power. They now walk, neither living nor dead, in the twilight world of Sauron's eye and hunt the Ring, seeking to return it to their master. Features sword lunging action.
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