New Goblin with auto launching missile attack (Spider-Man 3)

Granted incredible strength, speed and damage resistance by his father’s goblin serum, Harry Osborn becomes the cackling criminal known to the world as New Goblin. Screaming through the air aboard his sky stick, leaving a trail of black exhaust and crazed laughter behind him, he stalks Spider-Man through the Manhattan skies. With enough pumpkin bombs to level a city block, and blades to spare at his disposal, there’s no way the web slinger can escape!
This awesome action figure can “ride” his sky stick! Pull back and release to send New Goblin on a rolling attack! An auto launcher releases a pumpkin bomb projectile! This is one friendly neighborhood action villain figure to add to your collection!
Figure and sky stick come with projectile and a Spider-Man peel-off sticker.
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