
Frosta (Classics)

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Real Name:
Queen Mackenzie

The beautiful and exotic friend of She-Ra, Mackenzie is queen of the Kingdom of Snows, high in the mountains of Etheria. She possesses a magic wand that whistles like the wind and lets her conjure ice spells and freezing rain against her enemies. This power has given her a reputation as the Ice-Empress of Etheria, although she prefers being called Frosta by her friends. With the exception of her magic powers, she is otherwise a normal human female. She is sweet, kind and loyal to her allies. Together with She-Ra and other members of the Great Rebellion, she traveled through a laser Gate to Eternia joining with the Renegade Masters of the Universe in the continued fight against Hordak's tyranny! 6.25" tall Frosta freezes her enemies with her magic spells.


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