
Steel Crusher A.P.V. with Nitro-Viper (The Rise of Cobra)

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The STEEL CRUSHER Armor Plated Vehicle (A.P.V.) tears through the Paris streets on a mission of destruction: to release the nanomite weapon and destroy the Eiffel Tower! The NITRO-VIPER blasts through traffic at top speed and smashes past obstacles in his way, but he can’t shake the G.I.JOE team that’s determined to stop him.

Rip-roaring adventure is coming your way, by way of this tough and ready-for-anything STEEL CRUSHER A.P.V. vehicle! Pop up the missile launcher and flip down the missile storage bays to get this sinister vehicle prepped for action! Open the door and set your NITRO-VIPER figure in front of the steering wheel so he can “drive” into danger. Plus, with a removable IRON PLOW attachment, you can decide just how hard this combat vehicle will try to bowl over the G.I. JOE forces!

Includes NITRO-VIPER action figure.


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